- Book surgery and find out swab test is required
- Make plan on best approach to take Threenager to the swab test
- Pick Threenager up from Kindy
- Talk with Threenager about the swab test: "The Lady will use a cotton bud and tickle your bottom with it. If you are a good boy and stay still Mummy will get you a Toy after ok?"
- Threenager smiles and says "Ok Mummy! Yes, Toy!"
- Drive to the lab and have another chat with Threenager about the swab test, talk him through it again and make sure he understands what is about to happen.
- As an after thought, while walking from the car to the lab, remind Threenager that it is his body and no one is allowed to touch it unless he is ok with it
- Worry that might have said something over the top, but know that it's a subject that needs to be broached
- Get into the lab and talk to the technician
- Find out that it is not ONE swab test, but THREE swabs (Nose, Groin and that place named after a planet in our solar system)
- Take moment to let Threenager know the change of plans, and make sure that they are ok with it
- While telling Threenager the new plan, lab technician corrects me and tells me that because I am the parent, I will be taking the swabs, while they assist.
- Feel heaps better with this change of plans, and tell Threenager "Wow! Guess what, Mummy will be doing it! Is that ok?"
- Threenager smiles and says "Yes! Sure Mum, ok"
- Take Threenager to the room with lab technician and sit them on the orange bed (Threenager's favour colour, so a bonus)
- Swab one: Take swab and swipe it around each nostril making Threenager wiggle their nose and sneeze. Threenager says "Achoo Mum, Achoo!"
- Swab two: Take nappy off and swab groin area. Threenager giggles (so far so good...)
- Swab three: Prepare swab, walk towards Threenager who is laying there waiting patiently. Move swab closer to planet named region. Threenager closes legs and calls out "No! Doors Closed."
- Stand there frozen for a moment. Look back at the lab technician who is trying to hold back laughter (and failing) Collapse in fits of laughter. Manage to talk to Threenager and ask them if it is ok to do the next swab - Threenager obliges.
- Dress Threenager, wash hands together and leave to go to the warehouse for the promised Toy
- Praise Threenager for being brave, and being a very good boy while the swabs were being taken.
- Get into the warehouse, Threenager makes a beeline for the toy aisle
- Catch up with Threenager and they have a handful of toys
- Smile at Threenager and remind "One toy hun"
- Threenager stops and looks me dead in the eye "No Mum."
- Take a breath and think that this needs to be held with care, as a tantrum could errupt if not handled correctly. "Remember I told you one toy? Perhaps we can tell Santa you want those for Christmas, and then we can get one now. How does that sound?"
- Threenager, staring into the depths of my soul calmy replies "Mum. Three cotton buds, Three toys"
- *Mouth drops to the floor* (can't really argue with that one)
- Buy little smarty pants three toys, put two toys away for recovery time while Threenager is distracted playing with his new puzzle.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
How To: Take a swab test before surgery
Threenager needs to have another op on one of his toes, but before he does, he needs to have a few swab tests. He hasn't had one before, so of course his first one had to be in the "down below" region. read the list below to see how it all went!
Monday, July 10, 2017
How To: Organise your wardrobe
- Wake up - it's Kindy day today!
- Get Threenager ready for Kindy
- Drop Threenager off at Kindy with no fuss
- Come home and sit down for a coffee with Trusty Grandpa
- Organise a shopping list and meal plan for the week
- Clean appliances, bench tops and cupboard doors
- Call Dr's for an appointment (this cough is not going away!)
- Go into bedroom and clear pile of clothes and other things blocking the wardrobe (Hubby just got a whole lot of very nice clothes given to him, so of course that's where you store it)
- Put clothes on the bed for sorting later
- Wardrobe doors are now clear
- Hear the door bell ring
- Find a package containing the carousel wardrobe organiser that was ordered for Threenager's room
- Ditch own wardrobe and focus on Threenager's (swap hanging shelves in their wardrobe to the carousel one)
- Finish Threenager's wardrobe and head back to own wardrobe
- Fish out all the clothes that haven't worn in past year (I use the hanger method - once a year/season, face hangers opposite direction to you, then as you wear them, you flick the hanger around. This way you can see which clothes you have worn)
- Throw the unus e d clothes onto the bed for later sorting
- Pull out all the s pare coat hangers (find 30)
- Organise clothes in wardrobe to style and season (the clothes I will most likely need in the next few month at the front so it's easier to find)
- Hang up hanging shelves and put shoes and collection of hats in (clearing the floor in the wardrobe)
- Vacuum floor
- Break for lunch and get a phone call from Kindy - Threenager is running a high temp and needs to be picked up
- Pick up Threenager from Kindy and take home
- Retake temp and give Pamol to Threenager
- Call Dr and make new appointment for self tomorrow, Threenager can have the one booked for today
- Go to Dr, get told Threenager needs to stay off Kindy for a few days
- Go home, leave room to itself until Threenager is in bed
- An hour before own bedtime, finish cleaning up and organising the wardrobe, clear the bed
- End up with four bags - two for the hospice shop and two to load on trademe
- Pat self on the back and get ready for bed
- Check on Threenager and find they have broken a fever
- Change Threenagers pjs and put in own bed while Hubby comforts him
- Change the sheets on Threenager's bed
- Heat up rice-bag for Threenager for them to cuddle
- Walk back into own room to transfer Threenager into their bed
- Find both Hubby and Threenager fast asleep, snoring away
- Decide to sleep in Threenager's bed instead
- Have the best nights sleep in ages!
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
How To: Decide to have a mental health day after a Maximum morning
Didn't sleep well last night. I dub thee a mental health day.
- Get minimal amount of sleep due to head cold/chest infection (must go back to the Dr. tomorrow for antibiotics)
- Wake up at 3am and don't get back to sleep until Hubby leaves for work at 5am
- Threenager comes in and decides that it is time the "Lets see how much mess I can make before Mum fully wakes up and realises I am here" game
- Hear drawers opening and a little bit of giggling and Threenager talking to themselves (probably deciding on which room to wreak havoc on next)
- Sit up in bed to have a better look of the room and discover: Dressing Table items are scattered on the floor, all the drawers are open and Threenager is in the middle of emptying the drawers out
- Decide it's not worth getting too wound up as Kindy day today and should be able to take time to clean it all up
- Say Hello to Threenager and call them over for morning cuddles
- Have a cuddle for 5 minutes and fall asleep
- Wake up to Threenager playing Train with Monkey, all the lights are now on (How on earth did he reach the main light??? he's way too short and there is nothing for him to climb on)
- Realise that they used the superhero wrapping paper roll to switch the main light on (this is now unrolled over the floor - looks like his cousin will be receiving avon garde style gift wrap)
- Turn to Threenager to point out the mess they have made - receive a "BLAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" in the face from inner cardboard tube of said gift wrap.
- Look at Threenager and debate on creative ways to use the inner tube... receive a brilliant smile and a "Hello Mum! Wake up, Kindy Day"
- Throw self back down onto the pillow with a groan and say "Yes, I know - But wait until the birds start singing"
- Alarm clock with singing birds tone goes off
- Scowl at singing birds
- Turn back to Threenager and receive a knee to the eye as they are climbing over my face to get to the phone
- Threenager gives me phone, to which I just look at it stupidly - and far too long for their liking
- Get a book thrown in my face off my bedside table Oh, Good Morning Emily Writes, Rants in the Dark you say? Game on - I'll have a coffee date with you after Kindy drop off
- Just as I have registered the book, in my hands I then have my dressing gown thrown in my face and the covers pulled off me "Up Mum!"
- Start to drag myself out of the bed, have THREE roll on deodorants plopped on my tummy (OMFG they are COLD!)
- Discover Threenager has also been in the bathroom (How on earth have a managed to sleep through all of this????)
- Mentally bang head against brick wall and tell self off - you're on Mum duty, no sleeping in when you're sick - this IS your work... Aww, stuff it.
- Hobble into the kitchen, make breakfast and coffee, blow nasty green gunk out of nose, throw tissue away (yup, def need to go back to the dr for those antibiotics)
- Turn telly on to find Fresh beat band of spies on (Scooby Doo rip off anyone?)
- Allow Threenager to watch that while changing him and getting him dressed for the day
- Feed and water Threenager and self
- Trusty Grandpa is finally up, ask them to put Threenagers shoes on while I get dressed
- Start to walk out the door, Threenager has lost Monkey
- Ask Trusty Grandpa to put Threenager in the car
- Retrieve Monkey from behind the bed with extender arm (was given this by ACC - BEST. THING. EVER.)
- Finally get into the car, drive to Kindy
- Car starts shuddering, lights start flashing (Prey that we get to Kindy so that I can drop Threenager off and focus on the car
- Park car and drop Threenager off at Kindy
- Get back to car and pop the bonnet up
- Establish that the oil level is fine, water level is perfect, and the car battery is connected correctly... looks to be the spark plugs
- Man in people mover drives past and backs up asking me if I want some help
- Tell him what I believe it is, and know how much it's going to cost (dude must be a mechanic as he was defending the prices that the mechanics have to charge etc)
- Manage to get the car started and home safely
- Call Hubby and make game plan on repairs and Kindy pick up (looks like I will be walking if Car is not fixed by then)
- Walk inside take one look at mess, sit down with coffee, computer and Rants in the Dark, Today is going to be a mental health day.
Monday, July 3, 2017
How To: Dust Your Head Board
It's been a fair bit busy and hectic here in our house hold... Practically June was a write off due to colds, chest infections, random hospital visits and impromptu sleep overs for the Max. So much has happened in the past month or so since I wrote my last post, I honestly don't think I can catch up with it all!
My Scrapbooking calendar (that I have to update monthly) is stuck on May and I am seriously considering, just crossing "May" out and writing "July" with the correct dates just to I can attempt to keep track of my life again. I have thank you cards that I have been wanting to write, Max's baby book I want/need to update and not to mention so much housework I need to catch up on. I finally started getting over my chest infection only to wake up with a raw throat as the beginning of another cold. *sigh*
ANYWAY, enough mumblings about being sick and being behind in housework. Quick catch up about Max - He is now there big 3, going to Kindy three days a week (which in theory will allow me to have a better schedule for housekeeping, write some more, scrapbooking and have some time for myself - so far only been able to do the first) Due to the awesome little changes that have been going on here now that he is in Kindy for longer - he's growing so fast! - I now promote him from "Toddler" to "Threenager" (to help stop confusion on future posts) So, what has this Threenager been up to today? See below for todays list.
My Scrapbooking calendar (that I have to update monthly) is stuck on May and I am seriously considering, just crossing "May" out and writing "July" with the correct dates just to I can attempt to keep track of my life again. I have thank you cards that I have been wanting to write, Max's baby book I want/need to update and not to mention so much housework I need to catch up on. I finally started getting over my chest infection only to wake up with a raw throat as the beginning of another cold. *sigh*
ANYWAY, enough mumblings about being sick and being behind in housework. Quick catch up about Max - He is now there big 3, going to Kindy three days a week (which in theory will allow me to have a better schedule for housekeeping, write some more, scrapbooking and have some time for myself - so far only been able to do the first) Due to the awesome little changes that have been going on here now that he is in Kindy for longer - he's growing so fast! - I now promote him from "Toddler" to "Threenager" (to help stop confusion on future posts) So, what has this Threenager been up to today? See below for todays list.
How To: Dust your Head Board
- Threenager comes in for early morning cuddles
- Cuddle for a little bit until the birds outside start singing (we have a rule about not getting up for the day until the birds are singing - I have an alarm on my phone that sounds like birds singing, but I'm happy to get up when the natural birds sing, as at least it's not too early)
- Threenager turns on the bedside light and picks Monkey up
- Threenager then calls out "Monkey Train Mum!"
- Move pillow down so that my hair and head is not stepped on (learnt this the hard way)
- Toddler then spends next half hour or so sweeping Monkey back and forth across the top of the headboard calling out "Choo Choo Monkey, Choo Choo!" (just enough time for me to wake up for the day and do my morning stretches)
- Headboard is now dusted... just need to shake out Monkey and vacuum...
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