Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How To: Weed the garden on a windy day

  1. Ask Toddler if they want to check the mail
  2. Toddler holds hand and walks to mail box
  3. Check mail box - discover it is empty
  4. Toddler wants to play out the front
  5. Chase Toddler around for a bit
  6. Toddler decides to sit down on front deck
  7. Toddler wants Mummy to sit down too
  8. Toddler pants the deck on the right of him for Mum to sit down 
  9. Look at spot next to Toddler and tell them that Mummy's bottom isn't that small
  10. Toddler looks at spot and stands up
  11. Toddler walks a fair few steps along and sits back down
  12. "Sit Mum, sit!"
  13. Laugh and tell Toddler "Mummy's bottom isn't that big!" 
  14. Sit down and Toddler comes in for a cuddle
  15. Sit on deck and watch the cars go by
  16. While sitting there, notice there are a few new weeds in the garden
  17. Start weeding
  18. Notice it's starting to get a little windy
  19. Wind blows dirt into eyes
  20. Decide to weed further along
  21. Continue to weed and make pile of weeds on driveway 
  22. Toddler runs around and decides to help
  23. Toddler grabs handfuls of dirt (not weeds) from the garden and starts making his own pile on the deck
  24. Ask Toddler to pull the weeds instead
  25. Toddler starts pulling weeds and puts them on his pile of dirt
  26. When Toddler walks back to garden to do more weeding, the wind blows his pile away
  27. Decide that with the wind, it's enough gardening for today
  28. Ask Toddler to help with collecting the wheel barrow
  29. Put Toddler in wheel barrow and give them a ride to the front garden where the pile of weeds were
  30. Come into front garden to find both Toddler's and own pile of weeds have blown over the garden and front lawn
  31. Make it into a race/game to collect the weeds and put into the wheel barrow (Toddler wins)
  32. Put Toddler on top of weeds and push wheel barrow to weed pile out back
  33. Empty wheel barrow and head back inside for afternoon tea
  34. Discover itchy arms and realise within the weeds there was something that causes allergies
  35. Check on Toddler - they're fine 
  36. Take antihistamine and hope it works!

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