Tuesday, February 14, 2017

How To: Find out you need to have Surgery

  1. Have spinal surgery in 2015
  2. Spend next 18 months or so with Leg pain down leg
  3. Make constant visits to the GP to try to find out what is causing mysterious cramping and pain down left leg (but not the right)
  4. Go for numerous amounts of scans, CT's and MRI's with not much luck (except a possible case of PCOS)
  5. Get recommended to go on a Dairy and Gluten Free Diet by the GP
  6. Stick to the GF diet, and slowly re introduce dairy into diet (still have less then what I was having before) 
  7. Lose 15kg and feel a little bit better, but still have pain in leg
  8. Continue to go to the GP with no luck
  9. Finally remind GP that they said I had suspected PCOS and they refer me to a specialist
  10. Rule out that it is PCOS
  11. Look into back causing the pain - go to a pain specialist and physio
  12. Have a scare at that time of the month - go to NEW GP and get referred to a specialist in Endomentriousis issues (since I have it in my history)
  13. Go to the Specialist appointment, have a chat and an exam with scan
  14. Specialist finds 2cm Endo Cyst on right ovary
  15. Specialist thinks there may be more involved that is not showing on the scan
  16. Specialist books in surgery for next Wednesday with 2 days in hospital, 3 week recovery period
  17. Spend next few days organising health insurance and care for Toddler while in hospital
  18. Look forward to the surgery being over and done with and hope that this will help with SOMETHING and improve pain and quality of life - so I can keep up with Toddler for once!

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