- See Trusty Grandpa trimming the lavender bush
- Decide to collect some of the flowers to dry and use for future crafts/gifts etc
- Go inside and collect plastic jug from pantry
- Come out and start putting flowers into jug
- Toddler wants their own jug too
- Toddler runs into house to get own jug
- Start to follow Toddler and hear a scream from Toddler
- Run inside and Toddler is walking out of the kitchen upset
- Toddler cries "Mess!"
- Pick Toddler up and look in the kitchen
- Toddler has some how dropped the large pryrex jug (that is meant to be shatterproof) onto the floor and the glass is now EVERYWHERE
- Carry Toddler back into lounge and put on couch
- Conduct closer inspection of Toddler to make sure they aren't hurt
- Toddler fine, more upset about the mess that has been made
- Calm Toddler down and tell them that they are not in trouble - it was an accident
- Toddler still upset "Clean up mess! I help!"
- Give Toddler hug and tell them that Mummy will clean up the mess and thank them for offering to help
- Toddler wants to ride his bike now
- Take Toddler outside and ask Trusty Grandpa to keep an eye on them while shattered glass is being cleaned up
- Toddler happily goes outside on his bike and helps Grandpa
- Go back inside and pick up broom
- Remove wrapping on broom (it is new as Hubby ran over the last one with his car)
- Start sweeping glass up into a pile
- Pick up everything else on the bottom of the panty and give a thorough rinse - put aside for washing
- Pick up bread maker and sweep under
- Discover some cans of food have been put into the bread maker by the Toddler
- Put cans away on can shelf
- Go to laundry cupboard for brush and shovel
- Move pantry door out of the way first (party door came off last night and need to fix it)
- Open laundry cupboard and get out brush and shovel
- Go to kindling box and collect old newspapers
- Sweep shattered glass onto newspapers
- Wrap glass up and put into rubbish bin
- Pull out vacuum cleaner and vacuum bottom of pantry and rest of kitchen floor
- Put vacuum away
- Tidy bench and discover a shard of glass
- Spend next ten minutes checking other surfaces and pantry shelves for random pieces of glass
- Find no more shards
- Go back outside to collect lavender flowers with the Toddler - who now has his own plastic jug to put his flowers in
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
How To: Collect Lavender Flowers
Thursday, October 20, 2016
How To: Wake up in your OWN bed
- Have a morning out with Toddler at the chemist
- Go food shopping with the Toddler
- Come home and after lunch decide to do some gardening
- Put Toddler to bed at 8.30pm
- Scratch that, put Toddler to bed at 9.30pm with a bottle of formula
- Stay up until 1am having a little bit of adult time (reading a favourite book you didn't get to read during the day)
- Go to bed
- Get woken up by Hubby's alarm for work at 5am
- Have a nice chat with Hubby while he gets ready for work
- Listen to Hubby's car drive off
- Lie in bed considering whether to get up or go back to sleep
- Toddler wakes up
- Get up for the day
How To: Go to the Chemist with the Toddler
- Wake up in Toddlers bed (because Toddler slept in your bed last night)
- Get up and check on Toddler
- Toddler still sleeping
- Check time - 6am
- Toss up between getting ready for the day or going to lay down on Hubby's side of the bed for a little while - Bed wins
- Wake up at 7.30am to Toddler's smile "Daddy work?"
- Answer, "Yes, Daddy's at work"
- Toddler gives kiss and says "Breakfast!"
- Get up and follow Toddler to the lounge
- Put Sesame Street on for Toddler while making breakfast
- Give Toddler bottle and their breakfast
- Sit down and read while eating own breakfast
- Sesame Street finishes
- Toddler turns T.V. off and starts playing with cars
- Start smelling something funky
- Ask Toddler if they have done poos
- Toddler answers "Nope, no poos"
- Ask Toddler "Are you sure? Or is it just a very stinky fart?"
- Toddler grins and looks so proud of themselves "YEAH!
- Check nappy to be extra sure - Toddler was right, it was a very stinky fart.
- Trusty Grandpa gets up
- Make Coffee for Trusty Grandpa
- Have shower while Trusty Grandpa keeps an eye on the Toddler
- Get dressed and then dress Toddler in record time
- Put a load of washing on then hang it up
- Trusty Grandpa gives Toddler a ride around the backyard on the wheelbarrow
- Toddler jumps off wheelbarrow and scraps back
- Trusty Grandpa calms Toddler down
- Put "Magic Cream" on Toddler to help back feel better (antiseptic cream that "sparkles")
- Put Toddler in car - get reminded by Toddler to put seatbelt on
- Give Trusty Grandpa a lift to the train station
- Carry on to Dr's appointment for Toddler (Seeing the Dr for other conditions, but might as well get the back checked out too)
- Wait in Dr's waiting room watch Toddler play with the toys
- Be amused with Toddler handing the toys out for other patients to hold
- Stop Toddler from running up the hallway
- Stop Toddler from running out open main doors
- Stop Toddler from going behind reception
- Stop Toddler from running into the nurses office
- Follow Toddler to the scales and watch Toddler weigh themselves (13.4kgs!)
- Stop toddler from running out the main doors again
- Be called by the Dr for appointment follow Dr into their office carrying Toddler in a fireman's hold
- Be assured by Dr that Toddler is just being a normal Toddler - bumps and bruises etc etc
- Leave Dr's and go to the chemist for scripts given by Dr
- Decide to walk from car instead of using stroller
- Toddler does a very good job of holding hands and give script over to the chemist
- Be advised by chemist it is a 10 minute wait
- Toddler says "Dogs?"
- Nod to Toddler and say "Yes, we'll go see the dogs while we're waiting" (usually go to the pet store next door and have a look around while waiting for scripts)
- Go to the pet store and find only one puppy, a bearded dragon, a mouse, a few birds and lots of fish
- Walk past the mice section and Toddler is amused to watch a mouse on an exercise wheel
- Check time - script will be ready
- Tell Toddler need to buy flea and worming treatment for the cat
- Walk to counter, one lady being served so wait in line
- Toddler decides to lay down on the floor
- Other counter opens up - pick Toddler up and walk towards counter
- A lady jumps in front and buys dog food and starts asking heaps of questions
- Look back to other counter - another person is now in line
- Decide to wait in current line
- Toddler wants to be put down
- Put Toddler down
- Toddler runs off to look at the fish
- Chase after Toddler and hope that they don't knock anything off the shelves as they are now being an "plane" with their arms stretched out to the sides (by some miracle they don't knock anything off!)
- Catch up with Toddler as they suddenly change direction
- Miss grabbing Toddler by a hairs breath
- Toddler has noticed the bearded dragon
- Toddler wants to get the bearded dragon out of its cage
- Stop Toddler from trying to open the cage
- Toddler runs off to other end of the store
- Catch up to Toddler again and carry them back to the counters - which now are free!
- Sit Toddler on counter and order items needed - Hold Toddler with one hand
- Be told the price will be $90!
- Ask for a cheeper option
- Manage to get the price down to $75...
- Start to pay when the cashier asks if you want to join the pet store club - "It will only take 5 minutes"
- Look at her with eyebrows raised, take a breath to answer and bite tongue
- Decide to just point to Toddler and smile (Toddler is now laying on counter with legs up in the air)
- Cashier smiles back - "Are you sure? There are many benefits to having the card..."
- Cut the Cashier off and say "Thank you but no. I know you're just doing your job, but for future reference, most parents that have their hands full with a Toddler... don't have 5 minutes to fill in forms" Smile again and hold up card ready to pay
- Cashier scans items in, pay with card and give bag to Toddler to hold
- Walk out door holding firmly onto Toddlers hand
- Enter the chemist again to collect script
- There is a line of people there - 5 people long
- Wait in line with Toddler
- Toddler decides to lie down again
- Pick Toddler up and nod at the other mothers giving you "The Knowing Smile"
- Collect script after much wriggling from the Toddler
- Nice chemist gives Toddler their own "card" to hold
- Manage to walk out of chemist with Toddler holding hand and not touching things on the shelves
Thursday, October 13, 2016
How To: Get Monkey from the footwell
- Toddler kicks off shoes and socks and throw Monkey down into the footwell to keep them company
- Toddler sits in the car quietly until on the motorway in peak hour traffic
- Toddler calls out and says "Monkey!"
- Look around, spot Monkey in the footwell
- Put right hand behind seat and try to pick up Monkey (Grandpa is driving)
- Can't reach Monkey, so try using left hand to pick him up
- Somehow wedge thumb somewhere within the seat, bending back the nail
- Quickly pull thumb back and put into mouth (it really hurt!)
- Pull thumb out of mouth and inspect the damage - no blood but has the start of a bruise
- Tell Toddler "Sorry Buddy, you'll have to wait until we're home (there is no safe place to pull over)
- Toddler gets upset and yells "MONKEY!"
- Spend next ten minutes trying to calm and distract Toddler
- Stop talking and hope that Toddler will calm themselves down (or fall asleep)
- Black Eyed Peas "I got a feeling" comes on the radio
- "Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it and do it..." is sung by the Black Eyed Peas
- Toddler is still crying - stops for a moment and listens to the radio
- Toddler calls out "NO! Don't do it!" over and over again while the song is on
- By the end of the song, able to move car off the motorway and pull over
- Get out the car and pick up Monkey
- Give Monkey to Toddler and get rewarded by a beaming smile "Monkey"
- Carry on driving home with a quiet, content Toddler in the back
Sunday, October 9, 2016
How To: Eat a free apple from countdown
- Take Toddler to the supermarket
- Toddler chooses trolley we will use
- Walk into the supermarket and stop next to the "Free Fruit for Kids" basket
- Ask Toddler if they want an apple or a banana
- Toddler answers "Apple!"
- Go to pick up apple and Toddler shakes head
- Proceed to point to all the apples in the basket until Toddler says "Yes! Apple!"
- Pick up chosen apple and give to Toddler
- Toddler peels off the stickers and says "Rubbish!"
- Put stickers in the rubbish bin provided
- Grab plastic bag to put apple in when Toddler is finished eating apple
- Continue through supermarket with Toddler nibbling on the apple
- Get to the milk aisle and Toddler drops the apple on the floor
- Go to pick the apple up but an old lady whizzes by with her trolley
- Old lady kicks apple out from beneath her trolley
- A man is coming the other way - he goes over the apple with his trolley and kicks it along
- Another trolley comes down the aisle and to Toddlers joy they also kick the apple across the aisle
- Apple then lands at the feet of another child
- Toddler yells out "APPLE!"
- Other child kicks the apple towards us
- Pick up apple off the floor and put into plastic bag
- Toddler wants apple
- Explain to Toddler that they can't have the apple as it fell on the floor - put it in the main part of the trolley to throw in the bin at the door later
- Old man walks past and says "the floor won't have too many germs on it, let him have the apple"
- Try not to roll eyes and explain to old man that the apple not only touched the floor, but other peoples shoes while being kicked from one end of the aisle to the other...
- Old man says "So? he's a boy - he'll be touching worst things and putting them in his mouth"
- Give a laugh and politely thank old man "This may be true, but not when I can do something about it..."
- Old man walks off shaking his head
- Shake own head and walk to check out, start putting stuff on the counter
- Old lady (who initially kicked the apple) is in front and looks at me and the Toddler "You didn't give that apple back to him? It was on the floor!"
- Turn round and sure enough Toddler has some how (in the few seconds it took to turn back to them to put food on the counter) reached into the back of the trolley and not only picked the apple up, but pulled it out of the bag and is now eating it!
- Toddler then looks up and smiles "Apple!"
- *face palm*
- Ask Toddler for apple nicely and put back into plastic bag
- Hold onto rubbish apple and re-explain to Toddler the apple is now rubbish because it fell on the floor
- Pay for food and throw apple in the bin on the way out
- Toddler says "Bye Apple. Rubbish" and nods
- Have a little laugh to self, pack car, put Toddler in car seat and head home
Thursday, October 6, 2016
How To: Go Food Shopping with the Toddler
- Pull up to supermarket and park next to trolley bay (easier at the end of shopping to unload and leave)
- Open Door for Toddler and undo their seatbelt
- Toddler says "Jump!"
- Hold onto Toddler's hand and say "Woah!" as they jump out of the car
- Toddler smiles and says "Yay! Jump!"
- Get asked by trolley boy what's wrong
- Reassure trolley boy that everything is ok, it was just a big jump for the Toddler
- Say bye to trolley boy and tell Toddler to look for cars - then as no cars, cross the road
- Tell Toddler they were so good with holding Mummy's hand
- Walk with Toddler to trolley garage and ask them to pick a trolley
- Toddler wants the baby seat trolley
- Explain to Toddler that the baby seats need to be left for the little babies - point of the other trolleys that he can pick out
- Toddler chooses another trolley and says "RED!"
- Notice that the seat belt is red and praise Toddler "Yes! it's red, well done darling"
- Buckle Toddler in and go into the supermarket
- Go through the fruit and vegetable area and stop next to the basket that says "Free Fruit for Kids" (this is an awesome idea BTW - well done Countdown!)
- Ask Toddler if they would like a Banana, an Apple or a Mandarin
- Toddler points to the mandarin and says "MAN! Man-din"
- Pick mandarin up, collect a plastic bag for the skin and unwanted pieces and give to Toddler
- Toddler tries to open the mandarin but the skin is a bit tough on this one - offer to open instead
- Toddler passes mandarin over and you open it for them
- Hand it back and Toddler holds onto the mandarin for a while are you go around the supermarket
- As going down each aisle, tell Toddler the different things that you need that are on the list - Toddler points out where each item is
- Get to the bread aisle and collect burger buns for dinner that night (chicken burgers) and go to the gluten free rack and discover that there are no gluten free burger buns
- Decide to grab gluten free wraps and have those instead of a burger
- Get to the frozen chicken aisle and discover that there is no gluten free chicken patties or tenders
- While searching the freezers for something that you can eat that won't break the bank, you sense Toddler stand up
- Turn round in time to catch Toddler standing up on the seat in the trolley
- Toddler looks at you and says "Jump!"
- Grab Toddler round the waist and ask them quietly to sit down in the seat
- Toddler listens and sits down - says "seat belt?"
- Collect seat belt and put it back on - notice that it is broken (plastic is snapped in the clip where it wasn't before)
- Thank Toddler for sitting down when you asked them to and go back to looking for alternative for dinner
- Settle on Gluten free chicken nuggets for self and Toddler, and regular Chicken cordon blur (however you spell it - I'm shattered and ready for my bed, spelling is the least of my worries at the moment) for Hubby and Trusty Grandpa
- See Toddler trying to get out again
- Put chicken boxes in the trolley and start talking to Toddler
- Toddler grabbs zip of hoodie and unzips it saying "ZZZZZip"
- Praise Toddler "Yes, Zip! Well Done"
- Toddler then tries to pull down top and put hand into bra...
- Step back and tell Toddler "Nope, there is nothing for you there"
- Toddler giggles and zips hoodie back up
- Get to check out and wait inline
- Toddler sees a box next to the check out with hot wheels cars in it
- Toddler wants cars
- Consider that they would make a great stocking stuffer IF you can manage to get Toddler not to open them before getting home and IF you can get Toddler to forget that they were in the shopping
- Decide to allow Toddler to pick two cars out of the box - Toddler happily picks the cars and puts them on the counter
- Cashier helpfully puts the cars into separate bag for Toddler (think to self, that Toddler won't want to let the bag go now!)
- Receipt is printed - Toddler grabs it and puts it into his bag with his cars
- Pack the rest of the bags into the trolley and head back to car
- Get to car and put the bags into the boot
- Close boot and get ready to put Toddler into car
- Toddler is upset - you didn't put HIS bag into the boot with the rest of them
- Smile and take Toddlers bag off him and put it into the boot
- Lift Toddler out of the trolley and help him put it into the trolley bay
- Open car door and let Toddler climb into the car by himself
- Help Toddler buckle their seat belt and get into the drivers seat
- Call Hubby and ask them to put the oven on, so it's ready to put dinner in as soon as we get home
- Turn the car on, Toddler yells "MUM!"
- Turn round and look at Toddler "What's up Buddy?"
- Toddler points to own seat belt (haven't put it on yet, was just about to) "Seatbelt"
- Smile and praise Toddler "Oh! Thank you for reminding me!" (Note: I don't forget to put my seatbelt on, I always wear it - I'm glad that he's learnt that it's a "must-do" when it comes to driving cars)
- Get home, close the gates and let Toddler out of the car
- Toddler runs right inside (forgetting about his "shopping bag"!)
- Grab a handful of bag and walk them inside
- Put most of them down and grab Toddlers shopping bag
- Peek into the lounge and see Toddler talking to Trusty Grandpa
- Sneak down into bedroom with Toddlers shopping bag and hide it in the Christmas stocking box
- Smile to self and start cooking dinner
Monday, October 3, 2016
How To: be told by your Toddler how they hurt themselves
- Start cooking dinner
- Toddler comes up and asks for a hug
- Pick Toddler up and show them what you are doing
- Explain how things are going in the pot
- Give them a tight squeeze and put them down
- Toddler runs off into the lounge to play with toys
- Continue cooking
- Toddler comes in with your floppy summer hat on
- Give Toddler hug and tell them how good they look in Mummy's hat
- Toddler goes back into lounge to play with toys
- Continue cooking
- Toddler comes back in and starts "dancing" (his dancing is mainly spinning around)
- Pick Toddler up and do a little dance with him
- Put Toddler down and ask him to go into the lounge with Trusty Grandpa
- Toddler runs away towards lounge
- Start getting ready to pour boiling water out of pasta pot
- Hear Toddler cry
- Turn round and open arms for a hug with Toddler
- Ask Toddler "What happened? Can you show me?"
- Toddler lets go and walks to corner of the kitchen and stands next to the shelves near the door to the lounge
- Toddler slowly walks up to shelves and in slow motion spins around next to them demonstrating how the knocked their shoulder
- Give Toddler another hug and say "Ouch! That would have hurt, well done for showing me!"
- Kiss Toddlers shoulder and feel very proud of this excellent exchange of communication
- Finish cooking dinner
How To: Find a "Gift" from your Toddler...
- Sit on the couch having breakfast
- Toddler hides behind couch and plays with his cars
- Toddler comes back and hands you his nappy
- Ask Toddler if they need to use the potty
- Toddler shakes their head
- Toddler points to nappy and says "Wees"
- On closer inspection of nappy find that it does indeed have wees in it
- Praise Toddler for letting you know
- Quickly grab a pull up and put it on Toddler
- Take Toddler to wash hands - wash own hands too
- Finish breakfast and take dishes into the kitchen
- Look out window and realise the guest you were expecting has turned up early
- Go find keys and walk to front door to unlock
- Find a nice fist sized "gift" sitting on the rug between the back of the couch and front door
- Pick up gift with toilet paper and flush down the toilet
- Clean up spot where gift was (didn't leave any additional mess, but just incase)
- Wonder how on earth Toddler managed to pass such a decent sized gift...
- Open front door and welcome guest
- Tell guest you need to change Toddlers nappy
- Take Toddler to bedroom to check that area and clean it up better (was actually clean and haven't discovered any additional "gifts" anywhere since...)
- Wash hands and Toddlers hands again for good measure
- Offer guest coffee and sit down for a catch up
Sunday, October 2, 2016
How To: Get a little weeding done in the garden with the Toddler
- Play outside with the Toddler for a bit
- Follow him on his bike around the front of the house
- Watch Toddler for a bit and have a quick peek at the garden
- Think about it for a sec on where to start
- Decide to do a little bit of weeding
- Ask Trusty Grandpa to keep an eye on Toddler while you change (current clothes are NOT the type to do some weeding in)
- Put on an old dark coloured t-shirt and jean shorts that were bought last Christmas
- Notice that the jean shorts are very baggy and almost falling off
- Happily note to self that new jean shorts for this summer will need to be bought
- Go outside, grab gloves from the garage and put them on
- Pick Toddler up (who has been drawing on the house with chalk with Trusty Grandpa's encouragement - brick house = lots of fun!)
- Put Toddler and chalk into wheelbarrow and take them around the front of the house
- Set wheelbarrow down and extract Toddler
- Encourage Toddler to use chalk on driveway
- Toddler decides to use chalk on the fence instead
- Shrug shoulders and start weeding front garden
- Toddler runs around for a bit and comes over to "help" with the weeding
- Point the grass/weeds out to Toddler to pull and continue weeding
- Toddler squeals - he has found Mr. Darcy (the cat)
- Smile and laugh as the cat eludes Toddler and goes to hide in the lavender bush
- Toddler spends next ten minutes looking for Mr. Darcy before giving up
- Toddler runs up to a swan plant and starts trying to pull it out
- Be thankful that it is a large swan plant and tell Toddler to stop - as it is not a weed
- Toddler leaves it alone and goes over to other side of the garden to inspect the neighbours new fence
- Toddler picks up something off the ground - it's a used coffee cup
- Call Toddler over and ask them to put it in the wheelbarrow (must have been left by the builders)
- Toddler puts it into the wheelbarrow and goes to play with chalk again
- Mentally sigh in relief that Toddler didn't try drinking from the cup and continue weeding
- Toddler comes back and puts chalk into Mummy's pocket for safe keeping
- Toddler goes and grabs bike and rides round for a bit
- Toddler rides up to lavender bush and finds Mr. Darcy
- Toddler manages to catch Mr. Darcy this time
- Stop weeding and save Mr. Darcy from Toddler
- Toddler climbs into wheelbarrow and sits down
- Toddler points ahead and says "PUSH!"
- Stand up pick up the wheelbarrow handles and give Toddler a ride around the garden
- Take Toddler out - dump weeds onto the garden rubbish heap and throw coffee cup into rubbish bin
- Look at the sky and see that its about to rain
- Put gloves away and wash hands
- Bring in dry washing and coax Toddler back inside
- Sit down for some afternoon tea with the Toddler and feel good about getting a little bit of gardening done while spending time with the Toddler :-)
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