Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How To: Collect Lavender Flowers

  1. See Trusty Grandpa trimming the lavender bush
  2. Decide to collect some of the flowers to dry and use for future crafts/gifts etc
  3. Go inside and collect plastic jug from pantry
  4. Come out and start putting flowers into jug
  5. Toddler wants their own jug too
  6. Toddler runs into house to get own jug
  7. Start to follow Toddler and hear a scream from Toddler
  8. Run inside and Toddler is walking out of the kitchen upset
  9. Toddler cries "Mess!" 
  10. Pick Toddler up and look in the kitchen
  11. Toddler has some how dropped the large pryrex jug (that is meant to be shatterproof) onto the floor and the glass is now EVERYWHERE
  12. Carry Toddler back into lounge and put on couch
  13. Conduct closer inspection of Toddler to make sure they aren't hurt
  14. Toddler fine, more upset about the mess that has been made
  15. Calm Toddler down and tell them that they are not in trouble - it was an accident 
  16. Toddler still upset "Clean up mess! I help!"
  17. Give Toddler hug and tell them that Mummy will clean up the mess and thank them for offering to help
  18. Toddler wants to ride his bike now
  19. Take Toddler outside and ask Trusty Grandpa to keep an eye on them while shattered glass is being cleaned up
  20. Toddler happily goes outside on his bike and helps Grandpa
  21. Go back inside and pick up broom
  22. Remove wrapping on broom (it is new as Hubby ran over the last one with his car)
  23. Start sweeping glass up into a pile
  24. Pick up everything else on the bottom of the panty and give a thorough rinse - put aside for washing
  25. Pick up bread maker and sweep under
  26. Discover some cans of food have been put into the bread maker by the Toddler
  27. Put cans away on can shelf 
  28. Go to laundry cupboard for brush and shovel
  29. Move pantry door out of the way first (party door came off last night and need to fix it)
  30. Open laundry cupboard and get out brush and shovel
  31. Go to kindling box and collect old newspapers
  32. Sweep shattered glass onto newspapers 
  33. Wrap glass up and put into rubbish bin
  34. Pull out vacuum cleaner and vacuum bottom of pantry and rest of kitchen floor
  35. Put vacuum away
  36. Tidy bench and discover a shard of glass
  37. Spend next ten minutes checking other surfaces and pantry shelves for random pieces of glass
  38. Find no more shards
  39. Go back outside to collect lavender flowers with the Toddler - who now has his own plastic jug to put his flowers in

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