- Pull up to supermarket and park next to trolley bay (easier at the end of shopping to unload and leave)
- Open Door for Toddler and undo their seatbelt
- Toddler says "Jump!"
- Hold onto Toddler's hand and say "Woah!" as they jump out of the car
- Toddler smiles and says "Yay! Jump!"
- Get asked by trolley boy what's wrong
- Reassure trolley boy that everything is ok, it was just a big jump for the Toddler
- Say bye to trolley boy and tell Toddler to look for cars - then as no cars, cross the road
- Tell Toddler they were so good with holding Mummy's hand
- Walk with Toddler to trolley garage and ask them to pick a trolley
- Toddler wants the baby seat trolley
- Explain to Toddler that the baby seats need to be left for the little babies - point of the other trolleys that he can pick out
- Toddler chooses another trolley and says "RED!"
- Notice that the seat belt is red and praise Toddler "Yes! it's red, well done darling"
- Buckle Toddler in and go into the supermarket
- Go through the fruit and vegetable area and stop next to the basket that says "Free Fruit for Kids" (this is an awesome idea BTW - well done Countdown!)
- Ask Toddler if they would like a Banana, an Apple or a Mandarin
- Toddler points to the mandarin and says "MAN! Man-din"
- Pick mandarin up, collect a plastic bag for the skin and unwanted pieces and give to Toddler
- Toddler tries to open the mandarin but the skin is a bit tough on this one - offer to open instead
- Toddler passes mandarin over and you open it for them
- Hand it back and Toddler holds onto the mandarin for a while are you go around the supermarket
- As going down each aisle, tell Toddler the different things that you need that are on the list - Toddler points out where each item is
- Get to the bread aisle and collect burger buns for dinner that night (chicken burgers) and go to the gluten free rack and discover that there are no gluten free burger buns
- Decide to grab gluten free wraps and have those instead of a burger
- Get to the frozen chicken aisle and discover that there is no gluten free chicken patties or tenders
- While searching the freezers for something that you can eat that won't break the bank, you sense Toddler stand up
- Turn round in time to catch Toddler standing up on the seat in the trolley
- Toddler looks at you and says "Jump!"
- Grab Toddler round the waist and ask them quietly to sit down in the seat
- Toddler listens and sits down - says "seat belt?"
- Collect seat belt and put it back on - notice that it is broken (plastic is snapped in the clip where it wasn't before)
- Thank Toddler for sitting down when you asked them to and go back to looking for alternative for dinner
- Settle on Gluten free chicken nuggets for self and Toddler, and regular Chicken cordon blur (however you spell it - I'm shattered and ready for my bed, spelling is the least of my worries at the moment) for Hubby and Trusty Grandpa
- See Toddler trying to get out again
- Put chicken boxes in the trolley and start talking to Toddler
- Toddler grabbs zip of hoodie and unzips it saying "ZZZZZip"
- Praise Toddler "Yes, Zip! Well Done"
- Toddler then tries to pull down top and put hand into bra...
- Step back and tell Toddler "Nope, there is nothing for you there"
- Toddler giggles and zips hoodie back up
- Get to check out and wait inline
- Toddler sees a box next to the check out with hot wheels cars in it
- Toddler wants cars
- Consider that they would make a great stocking stuffer IF you can manage to get Toddler not to open them before getting home and IF you can get Toddler to forget that they were in the shopping
- Decide to allow Toddler to pick two cars out of the box - Toddler happily picks the cars and puts them on the counter
- Cashier helpfully puts the cars into separate bag for Toddler (think to self, that Toddler won't want to let the bag go now!)
- Receipt is printed - Toddler grabs it and puts it into his bag with his cars
- Pack the rest of the bags into the trolley and head back to car
- Get to car and put the bags into the boot
- Close boot and get ready to put Toddler into car
- Toddler is upset - you didn't put HIS bag into the boot with the rest of them
- Smile and take Toddlers bag off him and put it into the boot
- Lift Toddler out of the trolley and help him put it into the trolley bay
- Open car door and let Toddler climb into the car by himself
- Help Toddler buckle their seat belt and get into the drivers seat
- Call Hubby and ask them to put the oven on, so it's ready to put dinner in as soon as we get home
- Turn the car on, Toddler yells "MUM!"
- Turn round and look at Toddler "What's up Buddy?"
- Toddler points to own seat belt (haven't put it on yet, was just about to) "Seatbelt"
- Smile and praise Toddler "Oh! Thank you for reminding me!" (Note: I don't forget to put my seatbelt on, I always wear it - I'm glad that he's learnt that it's a "must-do" when it comes to driving cars)
- Get home, close the gates and let Toddler out of the car
- Toddler runs right inside (forgetting about his "shopping bag"!)
- Grab a handful of bag and walk them inside
- Put most of them down and grab Toddlers shopping bag
- Peek into the lounge and see Toddler talking to Trusty Grandpa
- Sneak down into bedroom with Toddlers shopping bag and hide it in the Christmas stocking box
- Smile to self and start cooking dinner
Thursday, October 6, 2016
How To: Go Food Shopping with the Toddler
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