Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How To: Clean the Bathroom Mirror

  1. Start making self a coffee
  2. Hear Toddler open the bathroom door
  3. Call out to Toddler to get out of the bathroom
  4. Put hot water and coffee mug in a safe place and go to investigate
  5. Find Toddler standing on top of the bathroom vanity with toothpaste in one hand and a scrubbing brush in the other
  6. Toothpaste is all over the vanity and Toddler has managed to scrub half the mirror with it also
  7. Remove Toddler off the vanity and tell them that you don't stand on the vanity (point out the dirty foot prints that are now there)
  8. Toddler goes "Oh. I clean?" 
  9. Tell Toddler "Lets get some cloths and some window cleaner and I'll show you how to clean properly eh?"
  10. Toddler follows me into the lounge and starts to play with his toys
  11. Ask Toddler if they would like to help clean up the mess
  12. Toddler replies "No, I'm fine. Thank you Mum"
  13. Decide that it would be easier to clean up the mess on my own and will include Toddler in the next cleaning of the bathroom
  14. I now have a sparkling clean bathroom vanity and clean bathroom mirror thanks to toothpaste!

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