Monday, January 30, 2017

How To: Distract a Toddler from the marshmellows

  1. Use a bag of frozen marshmallows for ouchies (works really well, as you give them one after they calm down)
  2. Toddler has cottoned onto the idea that if he is hurt he will get a marshmallow 
  3. Toddler ransacks the freezer on a daily basis to find said marshmallows
  4. Today it happens again
  5. Remind Toddler that the frozen marshmallows are for ouchies
  6. Toddler throws themselves on the floor and cries "Ouch! It Hurts! Foot Sore!"
  7. Try not to smile and tell Toddler that you know they aren't hurt
  8. Toddler replies "Sore, sore foot" (this kid is either going to be a soccer player or an actor)
  9. Put marshmallows away
  10. Toddler tries to get marshmallows again
  11. Get mesh feeder out, put piece of ice in it and give to Toddler
  12. Toddler has forgotten about the marshmallows (for now...)

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