Sunday, September 18, 2016

How To: Get a Toddler to wear pants

  1. Tell Toddler we are going to his favourite cafe with the little house
  2. Toddler gets excited
  3. Tell Toddler he has to change out of his Pj's before we leave the house
  4. Toddler agrees
  5. Tell Toddler we need to change his nappy
  6. Toddler disagrees... (he needs his nappy changed)
  7. Set everything up - nappy and clean clothes for the day
  8. Strip Toddlers PJ's off
  9. Change Toddlers Nappy
  10. Toddler runs away
  11. Call Toddler back
  12. Toddler refuses
  13. Remind Toddler they need to be dressed to go out
  14. Toddler still playing around
  15. Pick up book and go into the lounge (not worth getting wound up about it)
  16. Sit down on couch and read book
  17. 10 minutes later Toddler comes into lounge "Go out?"
  18. Peer over book and ask them if they are ready to get dressed now?
  19. To answer question, Toddler runs back to bedroom calling "Come on!"
  20. Close book and follow Toddler into bedroom
  21. Manage to put a t-shirt on Toddler
  22. Toddler wants to play around again
  23. Walk back into lounge, sit down and read book
  24. Toddler come into lounge 10 minutes later "go out?"
  25. Remind Toddler they need to have pants on to go out
  26. Toddler runs back to bedroom singing "Pants on! Pants on! Pants on!"
  27. Follow Toddler and attempt to put pants on
  28. Toddler kicks out
  29. Put pants down on the bed and walk out of bedroom
  30. Go sit down in lounge and read book
  31. Toddler follows holding pants looking confused
  32. "Pants on Mummy?"
  33. Put book down, take pants off Toddler and hold out for them to step into 
  34. Toddler steps into pants and runs away again
  35. Go into bedroom and collect jumper for Toddler
  36. Walk back into lounge with jumper and sit down on couch
  37. Call Toddler into lounge to put jumper on
  38. Toddler still playing
  39. Pick up book and start reading
  40. Hubby come into lounge (he's off work sick)
  41. Picks Toddler up and sits on his knee
  42. I put book down and put jumper on Toddler
  43. Toddler goes and puts gumboots on
  44. Thank Toddler for putting gumboots on without being asked
  45. Hop into car and leave (thinking this is the way to dress Toddler from now on - less stress and I get to read a book!)

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