Thursday, September 7, 2017

How To: Get your Threenager to hold your hand

When you have a headstrong independent child, it is very hard to get them to hold your hand when they want to do it all on their own because "I'm a big boy now". Yes sweetheart, you are a big boy, but you are and will always be my baby and I don't want you to get hit by a car!
So, over the last year, it has been a struggle to get him to hold my hand. He used to always be in his pushchair, so it wasn't much of an issue. However, when he turned two, he wanted to walk more, and I wanted to reserve the pushchair for days I was ill or had low energy.
After a fair amount of trial and error, we came to an understanding... not that you should allow a three year old to dictate their safety to you, but I was able to figure out what worked best for this little guy, with the least hassle.
Below is a list of all the things I have tried or had suggested to me and the outcome...
  1. Put a harness on him. - Yeah.... no. Good for those that want to do it and it works for them, but I know that the minute we forget the harness at home, our guard will be down. 
  2. Use a wrist strap: I had been considering this, until the day I saw another mum with her very active-resistant threenager run off in the opposite direction where she was going... as terrible as it was, a bungie slingshot effect was the end result. 
  3. Belt loops: I haven't tried this one yet, but it is in the cards. I was suggested to try getting him to hold my belt loop or hang something he would want to hold onto off it. 
  4. Use a consequence: If he doesn't hold your hand, he will be carried. I do this on occasion, but I also will use the pram if he refuses to hold my hand. Usually at this point he is tired, and he really only wants to use the pram, but is too tired to relay that information - or he still wants to be a "big boy" but I have to make that decision for him
  5. Talk it out with them: This is what has seemed to work best for me. When we are in the car, leaving kindy - basically before we go anywhere - I have a chat with him. I tell him what is expected of him and what will happen if he doesn't listen. We have a rule that when we are going to and from kindy he has to walk along the footpath. He has one chance. If he doesn't walk on the footpath next to me, he has to hold my hand or I will carry him. We also have a rule that when we cross the road or are in a carpark he has to hold my hand. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  6. Hug it out: I use this when he's not listening and I am low on evergy - unable to carry him so we will sit down where we are and just hug it out until he is ready to listen and hold my hand or walk nicely beside me. I understand that this usually happens when he is tired, and all he needs is a hug from me, but it has worked very well. Even just the suggestion "Do we need to hug this out?" works!
  7. Praise: Whenever they do what you wish, be it hold your hand or walk nicely beside you - Praise, Praise and Praise again!
  8. Put a wrist support on: I don't know if this would work for everyone, but I have a wrist support that I put on when my wrist is sore. Yesterday, I had to put it on, and was still wearing it at Kindy pick up. Max asked me if my wrist was sore and I told him yes it was. So from the moment the gate closed, he held my hand to the car. I praised him for being such a good boy. My sweet little boy replied with "I hold your hand Mum to make it feel better" - I'm going to use this and see if it works again!!!!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

How To: Ensure your Threenager keeps their seatbelt on

Had the shock of my life this morning during the Kindy run. Little Mr. decided to not only remove the shoulder straps off himself (little Hudini!) he also tried opening his car door while we were driving! (thank god for kiddy locks!) below is the list of what followed...
  1. While driving to Kindy, hear a weird noise come from Threenagers side of the car
  2. Glance over shoulder to find Threenager has removed his shoulder straps of his seatbelt, he also has decided to try opening the car door WHILE WE WERE MOVING!
  3. Shout out a quick "No! Stop!" 
  4. Find a safe place to move over and flick hazard lights on
  5. Turn car off and storm out of the car, and yank open Threenagers car door
  6. Point to the shoulder straps and tell them loudly (hoping that a raised voice will get the message across) "You NEVER take off your seatbelt when we are driving! And you NEVER try to open the car door!" 
  7. Take a deep breath to calm self before helping him put his seatbelt on
  8. Get a shock by a voice beside me saying "Is everything alright here?"
  9. Let breath out and say "Yeah, My Son just took his seatbelt off and I'm trying to teach him it's not ok..." 
  10. Look at the person and trail off in speech when I realise that it is a police officer!
  11. Smile sheepishly and take calming breaths and think back over the last few minutes (I didn't do anything bad did I? Did I cut someone off? Did I really look that mad???? Oh God! I hope he didn't think I was abusing my child! Oh God am I going to get a ticket???? Shit Shit Shit!!!!!)
  12. Mr. Policeman smiles and pats me on the shoulder "It's ok, kids do this sometimes"
  13. Relax and let breath out again, help Threenager back into their straps and try to tighten the seatbelt more
  14. Mr. Policeman notices I'm having a hard time so offers to help
  15. As Mr. Policeman tightens the seatbelt, he talks to Threenager "Hey Mate, you scared your Mum. You always wear your seatbelt ok? Do you understand?"
  16. Threenager looks wide eyed at me then back at Mr. Policeman "Yes, I understand" 
  17. Mr. Policeman smiles and hold up his hand "Good. Now, High Five!" 
  18. Mr. Policeman hops back into his car and drives off
  19. Hop back into own car, and drive to Kindy with Threenager in the back saying to himself "Wear seatbelt, Mr. Polcieman told me to" 
  20. Have a giggle to oneself and feel pleased that he had a very interesting lesson for the first time taking his shoulder straps off in Mum's car. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

How To: Get more ice cream...

It was Max's first day back at Kindy today after his operation. He was very excited to go today and didn't even notice me leave! When it was time to pick him up, I noticed a little bit of rain, so brought his raincoat and an umbrella with me. I was told by the teachers at pick up that he enjoyed his day, but he might need a few more days before he gets back into the swing of things... below is the list of what followed from when we walked out the door.
  1. Remind Threenager that they need to walk nicely on the path or hold hands
  2.  Threenager drops bag and runs to the tree at the end of the path
  3. Drop umbrella, and run after Threenager, catch them and remind them that because they didn't walk nicely they have to hold hands
  4. Hold Threenager's hand while walking back to pick up bag and umbrella
  5. Carry bag and umbrella in one hand while wrangling Threenager
  6. Get to car and fumble with keys to unlock doors
  7. Threenager sees their chance and runs ALL THE WAY back to Kindy
  8. Drop bag and umbrella again to chase after Threenager (stay hot on his heels while going into a coughing fit - still have this blasted cold/chest infection!) 
  9. Threenager stops at the gate next to Kindy's playground and calls out to his friends on the other side
  10. Halt with hands on knees trying to catch breath
  11. Call out to Threenager to come over and hold hands or they will go to bed early tonight
  12. Threenager ignores me and continues to yell to friends on other side of the gate (much to the amusement of the other parents I am sure)
  13. Call out to Threenager and tell them no toys in the bath tonight
  14. Threenager continues to ignore me
  15. Call out to Threenager and tell them no ice cream for dessert tonight
  16. Threenager comes right over
  17. Walk nicely back to car with Threenager 
  18. Put Threenager in the car and ask them if they know why Mummy is not happy
  19. Threenager says "Yes, Max ran away."
  20. Ask Threenager if they are going to be good now
  21. Threenager says "Yes, Max be good, Max sit in pram and eat ice cream at home"
  22. Smile back at Threenager "Exactly!" 
  23. Go to supermarket, put Threenager in pram - no fuss
  24. Threenager is good the whole time in the supermarket, when we get home until 5pm when I'm just about to start cooking dinner...
  25. Threenager gets ice cream out
  26. Count to 3 as a warning
  27. Get to 3. Tell Threenager that there is no ice cream tonight
  28. Threenager says "Awww Man!" and takes himself off to bed
  29. Make bottle up to fill Threenagers tummy 
  30. Threenager is lights out as soon as the last drop of the bottle is out
  31. Feel like a slightly mean Mummy while thinking about more ice cream for me for dessert tonight... 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

How To: Take a swab test before surgery

Threenager needs to have another op on one of his toes, but before he does, he needs to have a few swab tests. He hasn't had one before, so of course his first one had to be in the  "down below" region. read the list below to see how it all went!
  1. Book surgery and find out swab test is required
  2. Make plan on best approach to take Threenager to the swab test
  3. Pick Threenager up from Kindy 
  4. Talk with Threenager about the swab test: "The Lady will use a cotton bud and tickle your bottom with it. If you are a good boy and stay still Mummy will get you a Toy after ok?" 
  5. Threenager smiles and says "Ok Mummy! Yes, Toy!" 
  6. Drive to the lab and have another chat with Threenager about the swab test, talk him through it again and make sure he understands what is about to happen. 
  7. As an after thought, while walking from the car to the lab, remind Threenager that it is his body and no one is allowed to touch it unless he is ok with it 
  8. Worry that might have said something over the top, but know that it's a subject that needs to be broached 
  9. Get into the lab and talk to the technician 
  10. Find out that it is not ONE swab test, but THREE swabs (Nose, Groin and that place named after a planet in our solar system) 
  11. Take moment to let Threenager know the change of plans, and make sure that they are ok with it
  12. While telling Threenager the new plan, lab technician corrects me and tells me that because I am the parent, I will be taking the swabs, while they assist.
  13. Feel heaps better with this change of plans, and tell Threenager "Wow! Guess what, Mummy will be doing it! Is that ok?" 
  14. Threenager smiles and says "Yes! Sure Mum, ok"
  15. Take Threenager to the room with lab technician and sit them on the orange bed (Threenager's favour colour, so a bonus)
  16. Swab one: Take swab and swipe it around each nostril making Threenager wiggle their nose and sneeze. Threenager says "Achoo Mum, Achoo!" 
  17. Swab two: Take nappy off and swab groin area. Threenager giggles (so far so good...)
  18. Swab three: Prepare swab, walk towards Threenager who is laying there waiting patiently. Move swab closer to planet named region. Threenager closes legs and calls out "No! Doors Closed." 
  19. Stand there frozen for a moment. Look back at the lab technician who is trying to hold back laughter (and failing) Collapse in fits of laughter. Manage to talk to Threenager and ask them if it is ok to do the next swab - Threenager obliges. 
  20. Dress Threenager, wash hands together and leave to go to the warehouse for the promised Toy
  21. Praise Threenager for being brave, and being a very good boy while the swabs were being taken. 
  22. Get into the warehouse, Threenager makes a beeline for the toy aisle
  23. Catch up with Threenager and they have a handful of toys
  24. Smile at Threenager and remind "One toy hun" 
  25. Threenager stops and looks me dead in the eye "No Mum." 
  26. Take a breath and think that this needs to be held with care, as a tantrum could errupt if not handled correctly. "Remember I told you one toy? Perhaps we can tell Santa you want those for Christmas, and then we can get one now. How does that sound?"
  27. Threenager, staring into the depths of my soul calmy replies "Mum. Three cotton buds, Three toys"
  28. *Mouth drops to the floor* (can't really argue with that one) 
  29. Buy little smarty pants three toys, put two toys away for recovery time while Threenager is distracted playing with his new puzzle. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

How To: Organise your wardrobe

  1. Wake up - it's Kindy day today! 
  2. Get Threenager ready for Kindy
  3. Drop Threenager off at Kindy with no fuss 
  4. Come home and sit down for a coffee with Trusty Grandpa
  5. Organise a shopping list and meal plan for the week
  6. Clean appliances, bench tops and cupboard doors
  7. Call Dr's for an appointment (this cough is not going away!)
  8. Go into bedroom and clear pile of clothes and other things blocking the wardrobe (Hubby just got a whole lot of very nice clothes given to him, so of course that's where you store it)
  9. Put clothes on the bed for sorting later
  10. Wardrobe doors are now clear
  11. Hear the door bell ring
  12. Find a package containing the carousel wardrobe organiser that was ordered for Threenager's room
  13. Ditch own wardrobe and focus on Threenager's (swap hanging shelves in their wardrobe to the carousel one)
  14. Finish Threenager's wardrobe and head back to own wardrobe
  15. Fish out all the clothes that haven't worn in past year (I use the hanger method - once a year/season, face hangers opposite direction to you, then as you wear them, you flick the hanger around. This way you can see which clothes you have worn)
  16. Throw the unus  e     d clothes onto the bed for later sorting
  17. Pull out all the s pare coat hangers (find 30)
  18. Organise clothes in wardrobe to style and season (the clothes I will most likely need in the next few month at the front so it's easier to find)
  19. Hang up hanging shelves and put shoes and collection of hats in (clearing the floor in the wardrobe) 
  20. Vacuum floor
  21. Break for lunch and get a phone call from Kindy - Threenager is running a high temp and needs to be picked up
  22. Pick up Threenager from Kindy and take home
  23. Retake temp and give Pamol to Threenager
  24. Call Dr and make new appointment for self tomorrow, Threenager can have the one booked for today
  25. Go to Dr, get told Threenager needs to stay off Kindy for a few days
  26. Go home, leave room to itself until Threenager is in bed
  27. An hour before own bedtime, finish cleaning up and organising the wardrobe, clear the bed
  28. End up with four bags - two for the hospice shop and two to load on trademe
  29. Pat self on the back and get ready for bed
  30. Check on Threenager and find they have broken a fever
  31. Change Threenagers pjs and put in own bed while Hubby comforts him
  32. Change the sheets on Threenager's bed 
  33. Heat up rice-bag for Threenager for them to cuddle
  34. Walk back into own room to transfer Threenager into their bed
  35. Find both Hubby and Threenager fast asleep, snoring away
  36. Decide to sleep in Threenager's bed instead
  37. Have the best nights sleep in ages!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

How To: Decide to have a mental health day after a Maximum morning

Didn't sleep well last night. I dub thee a mental health day.
  1. Get minimal amount of sleep due to head cold/chest infection (must go back to the Dr. tomorrow for antibiotics)
  2. Wake up at 3am and don't get back to sleep until Hubby leaves for work at 5am
  3. Threenager comes in and decides that it is time the "Lets see how much mess I can make before Mum fully wakes up and realises I am here" game
  4. Hear drawers opening and a little bit of giggling and Threenager talking to themselves (probably deciding on which room to wreak havoc on next)
  5. Sit up in bed to have a better look of the room and discover: Dressing Table items are scattered on the floor, all the drawers are open and Threenager is in the middle of emptying the drawers out
  6. Decide it's not worth getting too wound up as Kindy day today and should be able to take time to clean it all up
  7. Say Hello to Threenager and call them over for morning cuddles
  8. Have a cuddle for 5 minutes and fall asleep
  9. Wake up to Threenager playing Train with Monkey, all the lights are now on (How on earth did he reach the main light??? he's way too short and there is nothing for him to climb on)
  10. Realise that they used the superhero wrapping paper roll to switch the main light on (this is now unrolled over the floor - looks like his cousin will be receiving avon garde style gift wrap)
  11. Turn to Threenager to point out the mess they have made - receive a "BLAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" in the face from inner cardboard tube of said gift wrap. 
  12. Look at Threenager and debate on creative ways to use the inner tube... receive a brilliant smile and a "Hello Mum! Wake up, Kindy Day" 
  13. Throw self back down onto the pillow with a groan and say "Yes, I know - But wait until the birds start singing"
  14. Alarm clock with singing birds tone goes off
  15. Scowl at singing birds 
  16. Turn back to Threenager and receive a knee to the eye as they are climbing over my face to get to the phone
  17. Threenager gives me phone, to which I just look at it stupidly - and far too long for their liking
  18. Get a book thrown in my face off my bedside table Oh, Good Morning Emily Writes, Rants in the Dark you say? Game on - I'll have a coffee date with you after Kindy drop off
  19. Just as I have registered the book, in my hands I then have my dressing gown thrown in my face and the covers pulled off me "Up Mum!" 
  20. Start to drag myself out of the bed, have THREE roll on deodorants plopped on my tummy (OMFG they are COLD!) 
  21. Discover Threenager has also been in the bathroom (How on earth have a managed to sleep through all of this????)
  22. Mentally bang head against brick wall and tell self off - you're on Mum duty, no sleeping in when you're sick - this IS your work... Aww, stuff it. 
  23. Hobble into the kitchen, make breakfast and coffee, blow nasty green gunk out of nose, throw tissue away (yup, def need to go back to the dr for those antibiotics) 
  24. Turn telly on to find Fresh beat band of spies on (Scooby Doo rip off anyone?) 
  25. Allow Threenager to watch that while changing him and getting him dressed for the day
  26. Feed and water Threenager and self 
  27. Trusty Grandpa is finally up, ask them to put Threenagers shoes on while I get dressed
  28. Start to walk out the door, Threenager has lost Monkey
  29. Ask Trusty Grandpa to put Threenager in the car
  30. Retrieve Monkey from behind the bed with extender arm (was given this by ACC - BEST. THING. EVER.)
  31. Finally get into the car, drive to Kindy
  32. Car starts shuddering, lights start flashing (Prey that we get to Kindy so that I can drop Threenager off and focus on the car
  33. Park car and drop Threenager off at Kindy
  34. Get back to car and pop the bonnet up
  35. Establish that the oil level is fine, water level is perfect, and the car battery is connected correctly... looks to be the spark plugs 
  36. Man in people mover drives past and backs up asking me if I want some help
  37. Tell him what I believe it is, and know how much it's going to cost (dude must be a mechanic as he was defending the prices that the mechanics have to charge etc)
  38. Manage to get the car started and home safely 
  39. Call Hubby and make game plan on repairs and Kindy pick up (looks like I will be walking if Car is not fixed by then) 
  40. Walk inside take one look at mess, sit down with coffee, computer and Rants in the Dark, Today is going to be a mental health day.

Monday, July 3, 2017

How To: Dust Your Head Board

It's been a fair bit busy and hectic here in our house hold... Practically June was a write off due to colds, chest infections, random hospital visits and impromptu sleep overs for the Max. So much has happened in the past month or so since I wrote my last post, I honestly don't think I can catch up with it all!

My Scrapbooking calendar (that I have to update monthly) is stuck on May and I am seriously considering, just crossing "May" out  and writing "July" with the correct dates just to I can attempt to keep track of my life again. I have thank you cards that I have been wanting to write, Max's baby book I want/need to update and not to mention so much housework I need to catch up on. I finally started getting over my chest infection only to wake up with a raw throat as the beginning of another cold. *sigh*

ANYWAY, enough mumblings about being sick and being behind in housework. Quick catch up about Max - He is now there big 3, going to Kindy three days a week (which in theory will allow me to have a better schedule for housekeeping, write some more, scrapbooking and have some time for myself - so far only been able to do the first) Due to  the awesome little changes that have been going on here now that he is in Kindy for longer - he's growing so fast! - I now promote him from "Toddler" to "Threenager" (to help stop confusion on future posts) So, what has this Threenager been up to today? See below for todays list.

How To: Dust your Head Board

  1. Threenager comes in for early morning cuddles
  2. Cuddle for a little bit until the birds outside start singing (we have a rule about not getting up for the day until the birds are singing - I have an alarm on my phone that sounds like birds singing, but I'm happy to get up when the natural birds sing, as at least it's not too early)
  3. Threenager turns on the bedside light and picks Monkey up
  4. Threenager then calls out "Monkey Train Mum!"
  5. Move pillow down so that my hair and head is not stepped on (learnt this the hard way)
  6. Toddler then spends next half hour or so sweeping Monkey back and forth across the top of the headboard calling out "Choo Choo Monkey, Choo Choo!" (just enough time for me to wake up for the day and do my morning stretches) 
  7. Headboard is now dusted... just need to shake out Monkey and vacuum...

Monday, May 1, 2017

How To: Teach your Toddler about the "Energy Train"

Today has been one of those days. I had every intention of doing a little bit of housework this morning, followed by a trip to the local botanical gardens with my Son. It started out ok; I had brought in a load of washing, and hung two out, was just having lunch and mentioned to the Toddler about going to the botanical gardens - which he loves. It is now 2pm (we were going to leave at 1pm) and the energy train has now left the station. For those that don't know, or haven't read the rest of the blog - I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue in 2010. I am much better at managing it now, but I still have to pace myself every day so that I can do the things I want and need to do, including taking my Son to places that he can explore, have fun and just be the awesome little kid he is. Today, however did not go to plan. To be honest, they hardly ever do with a Toddler. Without further ado, here is today's list:
  1. Wake up in the morning and see that it's a nice day
  2. Feel that today is going to be a moderate energy day, so make mental plan in head to take the Toddler out after lunch to the Auckland Botanical Gardens
  3. Have breakfast and put load of washing on
  4. Have shower with Toddler
  5. Get dressed and bring the washing in that was hung on the line over night - it's now dry. 
  6. Hang next load of washing out while Toddler tips the pegs into his dump truck
  7. Chase Toddler around the backyard to retrieve more pegs
  8. Stop Toddler from emptying out the clean washing onto the ground next to washing line
  9. Finish hanging washing up, turn round to find Toddler climbing up on Trusty Grandpa's car...
  10. Fetch Toddler and remind him that cars are not for climbing
  11. Get told "Come back here Mum, Get Grandpa's Duck"(he has a green rubber ducky sitting on his dash board, I have a blue)
  12. Distract Toddler by asking him what he wants with his lunch today, an apple or a banana?
  13. Toddler chooses banana
  14. Make sandwiches and peel banana for Toddler, who decided that he wanted to eat the skin...
  15. Cook own lunch and sit down and eat
  16. Ask Toddler if they want to go to the "Gardens" for a walk today
  17. Toddler very excited, answers "Yes!" 
  18. Remind Toddler he will need to help clean up his toys, and put some pants on before we go out
  19. Toddler finishes lunch
  20. Ask Toddler to put plate on the bench
  21. Toddler ignores me
  22. Finish own lunch
  23. Ask Toddler again to put his plate on the bench
  24. Toddler ignores me
  25. Decide to start picking up toys
  26. Put own plate on the bench and ask Toddler to help put away his blocks and tools
  27. Toddler helps put the blocks away, but starts playing with the tools
  28. Decide to put own shoes on to give Toddler a minute, then ask them to put their tools away
  29. Toddler helps put Tools away
  30. Thank Toddler for doing such a good job of putting his toys away, give him a sticker for his sticker chart
  31. Ask Toddler to clean his plate up again
  32. Toddler ignores me
  33. Pick up plate and take it to the bench
  34. Ask Toddler to come to his room for a bum change and to put on pants, shoes and socks, so we can go out.
  35. Toddler allows me to change his bum, but refuses to let me put his pants and socks on.
  36. Ask Toddler if he wants to dress himself
  37. Toddler refuses and begins to jump on his bead and run away from me
  38. Ask/Tell Toddler that they need to help me so we can go to the gardens (if I have to wrangle him into his clothes, by the time it is done, I will have no energy left to take him out)
  39. Toddler ignores me
  40. Decide to leave him to it, tell Toddler that when he is ready to get dressed, I will be in the lounge waiting
  41. Toddler comes into the lounge after 20 minutes of playing in his room and finds me reading my book
  42. Toddler has a meltdown
  43. Put book down and calmly ask Toddler if they are ready to get dressed
  44. Toddler jumps into my lap for a cuddle
  45. Have a nice cuddle with Toddler and ask if they are tired (think he might be coming down with a cold)
  46. Toddler shakes his head and wants his socks on
  47. Help Toddler put his socks on
  48. Ask Toddler if he wants his pants on
  49. Toddler nods his head
  50. Start to put pants on Toddler, but then Toddler doesn't want them on
  51. Toddler jumps down off my lap and decides to climb the fireplace (it is cold and not on, but he know's not to do this grrrr!) 
  52. Get Toddler down and warn him that if he keeps this up, Mummy's energy train will leave the station (I.E. I was already starting to lose my energy at the point, but I knew that if he co-operated, I could take him for a short walk in the gardens)
  53. Toddler still plays up
  54. Give Toddler another warning
  55. Toddler ignores me
  56. Go to see Trusty Grandpa in his room, ask him to keep an eye on Toddler for 10-20 minutes
  57. Tell Toddler that there will be no gardens today, as he wouldn't get ready and help Mummy dress him (tough love folks, seems to be the only thing that's working lately) 
  58. Tell Toddler to go see Grandpa, as Mummy is going for a walk ALONE
  59. Close back door and hear Toddler start new tantrum
  60. Go for a 10 minute walk, stop next to a paddock and watch horses for a bit
  61. Walk home - by this point, calmer but still exhausted from 10 minute walk and the antics of Toddler
  62. Tell Toddler that if he is good tomorrow, Mummy will take him to the gardens then, but he will need to help me. 
Chronic fatigue is no joke. It is a deliberating illness that cuts you to the core. It can put a halt to the life as you know it, and force you to make changes and life altering decisions that you never thought you'd have to do. It can isolate you - friends that you used to hang out with a lot, no longer have time to see you anymore, as you are either having to cancel at the last minute or they are suddenly finding that they will have to travel to you more then you come see them (as you may not have enough energy to socialise and drive). It is an illness where you might look fine on the outside, but are exhausted and screaming on the inside. It can cause you to become depressed, as you can find that you are forever mourning and grieving the person you "used" to be, the energy you "used" to have and the things you once did. May 12th is Chronic Fatigue Awareness Day. There is not much help here in New Zealand for those with Chronic Fatigue. There is only one Specialist in all of the country that can diagnose you and help - and the public health system and insurance don't usually cover her costs. If you are diagnosed, all you can do is wing it until you find out what works for you. It took me three years to find a new life for myself with my illness and make it work for me. I still have my bad days, but they are getting fewer because I now know how to pace myself better. However, I recently had quite a hard time with energy, as you can probably tell by my lack of posts! (having an energetic Toddler can do that to you!) It would be nice to hear from others that have had similar journeys to me - how do you make it work? 

Friday, March 10, 2017

How To: Get your Husband to wax your legs

Yes, you read that right. I asked my Husband to wax my legs for me. Before I start the list and tell you how it went, let me just tell you a few things that lead up to this... oh, not so wise decision...

I have recently had an operation in my stomach and pelvic area that has limited my movement, therefore making it practically impossible for me to bend in all the different ways required for me to shave my legs successfully.

In the past, I have tried waxing my legs but always found it messy, sore and ineffective (I think a lot of it had to do with I just didn't know how to use the product properly, so I opted to shave my legs instead)

Today however, I looked at my hairy legs and thought "enough it enough!" being summer, I was so sick of having to wear jeans to cover my legs (I know, I know - in this day and age you shouldn't be worried about it, but I like to have nicely shaved legs when I wear shorts or a skirt) So, I went out and decided to buy some waxing strips from the local supermarket, here is where todays list starts...

  1. Get to supermarket and look at the different selections of wax strips
  2. Decide to try a "New" product (Nads Exfoliating Body Wax Strips)
  3. Get home and ask Hubby to help with the waxing process
  4. Hubby gives me the "Are you crazy?!" look
  5. Assure Hubby that I am happy for him to do it, and that I will not be angry at him (no matter what happens)
  6. Hubby still looks doubtful, but agrees with an "Ok...."
  7. Open packet of wax strips and read instructions 
  8. These are exfoliating wax strips, so us the exfoliating side on legs before applying (check)
  9. Put the first two strips on and wait for Hubby to come back into the room (and for the wax to cool down) 
  10. Hubby comes back in, still looking quite doubtful "Are you sure you want to do this?" 
  11. Assure Hubby that I do...
  12. Hubby then rips the first one off
  13. Scream and yelp and crack up laughing
  14. Inspect the wax strip (it worked! took off a fair amount of hair, Yay!)
  15. Inspect leg - still a little bit of hair left in the area, decide to tidy it up later with tweezers
  16. Husband applies the next few strips
  17. Toddler decides to come investigate
  18. Toddler watches his Daddy rips more strips off and cracks up laughing at my reaction (both Hubby and Toddler are enjoying this way too much!)
  19. Start getting light headed from the pain (oh, didn't you know? I'm such a woose!) 
  20. Hubby, after removing more wax strips sees how I'm coping and tells me that I'm better off just shaving my legs 
  21. Tell Hubby that he can continue, decide to read the instructions again - spot a "warning" section I hadn't seen before... It says not to apply to any area that has veracious veins. (I have them on both legs since pregnancy, predominately on my left, so I can't wax those sections and will have to shave there anyway)
  22. Hubby takes off the rest of the wax strips (in total we used 6)
  23. Decide to finish up shaving legs instead - better to stick with what you know
  24. Spend next hour sitting on a chair in the bathroom finishing up my legs, knowing that for the next little while I will have very patchy legs - at least I don't look like a warewolf now!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

How To: Try the new "Black Mask" Trend

  1. Do copious amounts of surveys online to earn enough points for a fishpond voucher
  2. Buy black mask
  3. Wait a few days excitedly 
  4. Finally gets here
  5. Decide to put the mask on and try it out
  6. First, tie hair back
  7. Wash face
  8. Then, get vaseline and apply to eyebrows and hairline
  9. Get black mask from the kitchen (where I had opened the courier bag and left it)
  10. Come back to the bathroom and find Toddler cleaning their teeth - toothpaste everywhere
  11. Clean up toothpaste - let Toddler keep toothbrush so they can brush their teeth some more
  12. Put on black mask, put a thin layer over cheeks and forehead, but a thicker layer over chin and nose area (as that is my problem area)
  13. Take a photo of the mask on
  14. Toddler has a huge grin on their face "Mum! FACE!"
  15. Put the black mask back in the kitchen, so it is out of reach of Toddler
  16. Come back to bathroom to find Toddler has played with the toothpaste some more
  17. Clean up mess and sit down for 20 minutes... 
  18. Check face and see that there are still a few spots that need to dry, so wait another 10 minutes
  19. Peel off the mask, expecting a lot of pain and tears
  20. Mask seems to be similar to the other peel off masks
  21. Have mixed feelings of disappointment and joy - it didn't work as well as was expecting, but it did make skin feel nice and didn't leave any redness. I give this product a 7/10. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

How To: Have Morphia Induced Dreams...

For those that do not know, I have recently been in hospital for an operation. The first night I was pretty out of it, due to the general aneasetic. But the second night in, I was given Morphine based pain killers and they messed with my dreams HEAPS! So, below are the following dreams I had on this particular pain pill... hope you have a giggle like I did the next morning!

  1. First up, the Troll from Dora the Explorer singing "You've gotta Toll" - with Dora singing back up vocals. 

  2. Got woken up by the blood pressure trolley rattling down through the ward and it was interpreted in my dream as someone trying to break down the back door

  3. Jennifer Anniston dressed up in a fairy princess dress telling me that she's my supplier... my pillow supplier!

  4. Then I went swimming with Dory
  5. Toddler some how turned up asking me for monkey, then when I dropped it, it turned into skittles and baked beans and then started popping into popcorn 
  6. The Popcorn from before turned into a zebra with Donkeys voice from Shrek
  7. Had a dream about trying to find miniature models of the Titanic- aparently there is a set and it is very nice
  8. The new yellow flea repellent carpet is now the in thing (had earlier in the day been discussing how to get rid of fleas in the carpet with MIL)
  9. Don't know what I had dreamt,  but at one point I woke up with a desperate need for the milk in the fridge!
  10. Popcorn, nonstop coffee maker is the new "in thing"
  11. Don't know why donuts don't grow on trees, but they make a nice wall decorations
  12. New coloured chalk needs to be grated into sand before we leave (didn't know where were were going in the dream, but it was important to grate this damn chalk!)
  13. I was in a lift with a lawyer on our way to the courtroom to prosecute someone
  14. Back in high school now and trying to book a meeting with my dean at Massey... glad I woke up when I did- I hated that school!
  15. Singing with SIA and for once I can sing! (Because I have her magic wig!)
Hope you managed to have a giggle - eventually I will write an account on how it is to recover from surgery when you have a Toddler and Hubby and Trusty Grandpa looking after said Toddler... but still having moments of exhaustion and unable to focus long enough to really write it all down! For now, enjoy the above!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

How To: Put on a raincoat

This morning my house was a mess. It was. I had laundry all over the place, thanks to the Toddler having heaps of fun flying it around (probably thinking he was a twister) His toys were also all over the floor - so it was covered in a mixture of Duplo, Toy Cars, Trains and Train Tracks! Oh and we still had last nights dinner dishes and this mornings breakfast dishes on the bench waiting to be washed...

All of this was because I was so absorbed in calling places and arranging things that had to be sorted before my surgery. I spent a fair amount of that time on hold, to which I used the time to vacuum behind the bed and practicing my vocal skills by singing along to the different tunes they had for the hold music. Throughout the morning, I was on the phone to WINZ - They like Brooke Frazer for their hold music, Spark - who chose 60's boy bands for theirs and many other agencies to find out what I might be eligible for post surgery for help in looking after the Toddler (nothing really BTW as because I am going private, I don't qualify...)

Anyway... because I had spent most of the morning on the phone and on the odd moment making sure Toddler was fed, I not only forgot to feed myself and tidy the house  - I also forgot to keep an eye on the time. By the time I had finished my final phone call, I was running late for my Physio appointment.

I only had 10 minutes (if that) to get ready and leave. I quickly locked the house up, got dressed (yes, it was one of THOSE days) helped the Toddler put on his shoes and packed a bag full of toys to help keep them occupied while I was using the machines and doing my stretches.

I managed to get there in time, but it was raining and I had forgotten my raincoat - but never fear! I had the Toddler's ready for him.

Below is how we managed to put his rain coat on and what happened in my physio appointment, enjoy!

  1. Pull up at the Physio's
  2. Manage to park in the sole parking spare (score! It has been raining all day, and it's usually go another car in it)
  3. Get out the car and set up pram
  4. Realise that own raincoat is NOT in the boot of the car like you had thought
  5. Decide to hurry and get inside as quickly as possible
  6. Put Toddler in pram and pick up their rain coat to put on
  7. A big down pour starts and it is a 2 minute walk inside
  8. Flip the roof of the pram up and fling the hood of Toddlers face (like a coat rack) and take off at speed to get out of the rain
  9. It takes about 2 minutes to get inside, but which time I am drenched
  10. Walk in the door and flip roof of pram back to find Toddler with his rain coast still over his face!
  11. Crack up laughing and take rain coat off
  12. Toddler puts it back on over his face - we then start a game of peek a boo
  13. Eventually Toddler tires of the game and wants to get out of the pram
  14. Physio appointment begins
  15. Open Toddler's toy bag and let him play with the items
  16. Sit on exercise bike and this time manage to do 6 minutes (last time it was 3!)
  17. While on the exercise bike, Toddler inspects every piece of equipment in the room
  18. Toddler then wants a turn on the bike
  19. Each piece of equipment I use from there on, Toddler then copies each action "My Turn!"
  20. At the end while we sit down to discuss the plan post surgery, Toddler decides they are thirsty - they remember that they saw a water cooler in the waiting room
  21. Toddler goes into the waiting room and pours water into a cup
  22. Toddler sits quietly in a chair for a moment drinking the water then gets an idea
  23. Toddler decides that both Mummy and the Physio need a drink too!
  24. Toddler fills up two cups and gives one to each of us
  25. Finish the appointment and strap Toddler into the pram to go home
  26. While walking past the waiting room see that Toddler has emptied the WHOLE water cooler all over the table and floor... 
  27. Point out mess to the Physio and offer to clean it up
  28. Physio assures me that she has boys of her own, so she knows what it is like and I have enough on my plate
  29. Feel somewhat guilty, but also relieved that I don't have to clean up the mess
  30. Walk out the door into the rain again and have a giggle at Toddler putting his rain coat on again (Yup, over his head :-P)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

How To: Find out you need to have Surgery

  1. Have spinal surgery in 2015
  2. Spend next 18 months or so with Leg pain down leg
  3. Make constant visits to the GP to try to find out what is causing mysterious cramping and pain down left leg (but not the right)
  4. Go for numerous amounts of scans, CT's and MRI's with not much luck (except a possible case of PCOS)
  5. Get recommended to go on a Dairy and Gluten Free Diet by the GP
  6. Stick to the GF diet, and slowly re introduce dairy into diet (still have less then what I was having before) 
  7. Lose 15kg and feel a little bit better, but still have pain in leg
  8. Continue to go to the GP with no luck
  9. Finally remind GP that they said I had suspected PCOS and they refer me to a specialist
  10. Rule out that it is PCOS
  11. Look into back causing the pain - go to a pain specialist and physio
  12. Have a scare at that time of the month - go to NEW GP and get referred to a specialist in Endomentriousis issues (since I have it in my history)
  13. Go to the Specialist appointment, have a chat and an exam with scan
  14. Specialist finds 2cm Endo Cyst on right ovary
  15. Specialist thinks there may be more involved that is not showing on the scan
  16. Specialist books in surgery for next Wednesday with 2 days in hospital, 3 week recovery period
  17. Spend next few days organising health insurance and care for Toddler while in hospital
  18. Look forward to the surgery being over and done with and hope that this will help with SOMETHING and improve pain and quality of life - so I can keep up with Toddler for once!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

How To: Enjoy your first day at Kindy

  1. Have a little bit of broken sleep - end up making pillow bed for Toddler on the floor next to own bed
  2. Wake up and tell Toddler we need to get up and get ready as it's Kindy day today!
  3. Give Toddler breakfast and have own breakfast
  4. Trusty Grandpa looks after Toddler while I have a shower
  5. Finish getting ready and get Toddler dressed
  6. Give Toddler their bag and they chant/sing "Kindy! Kindly! Kindly!" all the way to the car and on the drive to Kindy
  7. Get to Kindy, get Toddler out of the car
  8. Toddler practically drags me to the Kindy door
  9. Open Door for Toddler and Toddler runs in singing "Kindy! Kindy! Kindly!" (with his bag still on his back
  10. Toddler runs up to a little girl, who is sitting on a chair and says "Kindy! Hi! Kindy!"
  11. Take bag off Toddler and look for head teacher
  12. Find head teacher and have a chat and tour of Kindy while Toddler zooms round and looks at everything
  13. Fill out paperwork and hold back while teachers direct Toddler
  14. Toddler and another kid start arguing over a toy, one of the teachers lets them sort it out between them for a little bit then goes to talk to them
  15. On the way over, the teacher trips over a toy and falls on her knees
  16. Teacher quickly composes herself and sorts out the two toddlers, helps them share the toy
  17. Check to see if teacher is ok - she is - help her pick up the toys and continue to fill out paperwork 
  18. Look up from forms in time to see Toddler running to the toilets holding a corn on the cob toy
  19. Stand up and follow them... look through the window and watch as Toddler starts playing with the toilet (including putting their hand in the toilet bowl (ew!)
  20. Teacher comes to stand beside me - ask teacher if I should sort him out or...?
  21. Teacher reassures me she's got it
  22. She walks in, asks Toddler if they need to go to the toilet 
  23. Toddler says "Yes, Toilet" and continues to play with the toilet, cleaning it etc
  24. Teacher gets the toilet seat sorted, helps Toddler pull down their pants and pops him onto the toilet
  25. Try very hard not to piss self laughing - the look on Toddlers face is classic!
  26. Toddler is sitting on the toilet looking confused on how he got there
  27. Teacher helps other kid with the toilet, all the while Toddler is sitting there waiting patiently
  28. Toddler doesn't go to the toilet, but waits for teacher to help him, then washes his hands and goes back to play (still don't know what he did with the corn cob...)
  29. Finish filling in the paperwork and hand to the office lady
  30. Have a chat with the head teacher and ask what she thinks I should do as Toddler seems quite content
  31. Head teacher advises that I could stay or go out for a coffee and see how Toddler is after
  32. Walk up to Toddler to ask how they are going
  33. Toddler turns to me and says "Bye Mum! You go, I stay!"
  34. Feel just a little bit unwanted and lost
  35. Leave... and go next door for a coffee
  36. Enjoy coffee and chocolate brownie - mull over unexpected free time... (was expecting to stay the whole time) 
  37. Go home and head back to Kindy at 1pm (Toddler was there alone from 11.30-1pm)
  38. While at home, do a spot of housework and have lunch
  39. When at Kindy, ask head teacher how it went - he took a while to notice I was gone, but then self distracted after he realised I was gone. The only issue they had was with Mat time, as he wanted to play - they didn't stress the issue, so they gave him Monkey (who was in his bag) and let him play quietly.
  40. When it's time to go home, Toddler doesn't want to leave! 
  41. Decide to leave them alone for a little longer next week and see how it goes...

Friday, February 10, 2017

How To: Play in the sandpit

Yesterday we went to playgroup... Toddler has heaps of fun playing all over the place, but yesterday he was mainly focused on the sandpit...

  1. Get to playgroup and release Toddler onto the playground
  2. Toddler runs around for a bit then realises that the cover for the sandpit is getting removed
  3. Toddler zooms over to the sandpit and starts playing with the sand
  4. Teacher opened the shed with the sand pit toys
  5. Toddler (along with three other kids) follow her in and help bring out the toys
  6. Teacher brings out two ride on diggers, one of which Toddler instantly sits on and starts playing with
  7. The other digger, a little girl plays with
  8. Toddler plays with his digger for a little while, then wants to try the other digger
  9. Intervene, as the little girl is still on there, remind Toddler that it's not his turn and that the little girl is still playing
  10. Toddler says to little girl "Your Turn, ok?" points to the other digger and says "Me over there" and goes to play on the digger again, keeping an eye on the little girl
  11. As soon as the little girl decides to play on something else, Toddler quickly jumps off his digger and yells "My Turn! My Turn!" and takes over the new one
  12. Toddler spends most of the time in the sandpit for the rest of the playgroup
  13. Tidy up time is called and one of the teachers collects the sandpit toys in a basket to put back into the shed
  14. Toddler, oblivious to this has noticed other children leaving the sandpit area so manages to collect a spade for each hand and starts filling up a truck he's been playing with
  15. Toddler decides to get sand from the other end of the sandpit and fills up his spades
  16. While Toddler's back is turned, the teacher picks up his truck and puts it into the basket
  17. Toddler walks back to where he had left the truck
  18. Toddler stands and looks down at the empty sandpit 
  19. Toddler looks so confused "Where's Truck? Truck Gone!"
  20. Try not to laugh and point out to Toddler that it is home time and that the truck has gone back home
  21. Toddler sighs and tips the sand out of his spades back into the sandpit 
  22. Point out to Toddler where the basket is - Toddler puts the spades back
  23. Tell Toddler to collect shoes (all the other kids are also putting their shoes on
  24. Laugh along with the other parents as we watch the kids tip their shoes upside down to empty the sand out that someone had filled

How To: Lose your massage ball

  1. Go to the Physio for ongoing issues with my back
  2. Physio suggests getting a tennis ball for helping with massaging the hip area to help with pain
  3. Go to Kmart and buy one bigger then normal tennis ball and a swiss/excercise ball
  4. Leave both balls in the boot of the car for a 2 weeks
  5. Open the boot one day to retrieve something else and Toddler spots the tennis ball
  6. Toddler gets very excited
  7. Give Toddler tennis ball and tell them to take it inside
  8. Toddler hogs the ball for the rest of the day and even goes to bed with it
  9. When checking on Toddler later that night, nab tennis ball back 
  10. Use tennis ball for the massaging purposes I originally bought it for
  11. Put it on the kitchen table
  12. Next morning, Toddler gets up and asks "My ball! Where's MY ball?"
  13. Hand ball back to Toddler and tell them "It's an inside ball Bud, it's not to go outside" (as don't want to get dirt on it or it to get wet)
  14. Toddler says "Thank you Mum!" with a beautiful grin and carries the ball around for most of the morning
  15. Toddler then decides to put the ball into the soaking bucket in the laundry (which has his soiled undies from the day before)
  16. Pick ball up from the bucket and put it into the washing machine for washing later as can not use the ball while it's wet
  17. Both Toddler and I have now lost the ball... me to him, and him to the washing machine... for now...

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How To: Know your Toddler is ready for a rewards chart

  1. Give Toddler dinner
  2. They take a few bites, but refuse to eat anymore
  3. Try getting them to sit down
  4. They play with their toys and then run off
  5. When the Toddler runs away call out "If you eat your dinner, I will give you a sticker!"
  6. Toddler stops midway down the hall and turns in surprise "Sticker?!"
  7. Answer "Yes, but you have to eat all your potatoes"
  8. Toddler is very excited and runs back to the table and eats his potatoes and more of his peas
  9. Ask Toddler if they are finished
  10. Toddler stands up and says "Yay!"
  11. Smile and clean up the dinner dishes from Toddlers table
  12. Collect sticker sheet and give Toddler a sticker
  13. Spend the rest of the night thinking up designs and what to put on Toddler's sticker chart
  14. Decide on: Eating their food (includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner), Going to the Toilet (with 2 stickers if they go poos in the toilet!) and Picking up their Toys (will add more if these three work)

How To: Have an AWESOME sleep (after a really long day)

Yesterday morning I wrote the following Facebook post:

"It seems criminal that a pint sized dictator can hold you captive all night in a small room with no means to feed or relieve yourself, due to the fact you're not allowed to look at them or leave the room - but you have to let them know that you are there at all times, only to finally be able to make your escape to your own bed for Hubbys alarm to go off at 5 am and the little dictator wakes up on hearing his escape from the compound and demands milk, the light to be switched on and paw patrol. Hang on kid, this escapee has got to have her coffee in an Iv so she can preform what is required and finish reading Lauren Graham's auto biography "Talking as fast as I can" *sigh* it's going to be a long day..."

The night before was a really, really crap night. It was a very hot and humid night after a scorcher of a day and of course Toddler did NOT want to sleep. I tried everything I could think of. This included:

  • Pushing his bedtime back further an hour, due to it still being quite hot and still very light outside
  • Leaving two windows open to allow cool air flow into the room
  • Stripping the bed and only having a sheet onto of him
  • Letting him sleep in only a nappy
  • Reading copious amounts of books
  • Ignoring him
  • Giving him a bottle
  • Singing to him
In the end he went to sleep at 10pm, woke at midnight and didn't get back to sleep until I made a bed on the floor for him at 4am. He was up again at 6.30am. So the day already didn't start out right. I didn't get my coffee in an IV, but oh, how I needed it! Our computer was on the fritz, and we are also in the middle of potty training, so that mixed with limited amounts of sleep was just the cherry on top of a Long, LONG day. In the end, this was what how my day went:

  1. Wake up by Toddler falling out of the bed (after only 2 hours sleep)
  2. Toddler refuses to go back to bed
  3. Get up for the day - make first coffee and breakfast
  4. Decide to give Toddler a fluffy 
  5. Toddler ends up pouring the fluffy over their table to make "fluffy finger painting art"
  6. Trusty Grandpa gets up and asks for a ride to the Train Station
  7. Drop Trusty Grandpa off at the station
  8. Decide to do a bit of food shopping and collect scripts from chemist
  9. While waiting for scripts, go to the pet store with Toddler
  10. Toddler looks at the animals and decides to run round the store
  11. Tell Toddler they are NOT a cat (they were trying to climb and play on the cat tower displays)
  12. Tell Toddler they are NOT a dog (they were going into the dog kennels for a play)
  13. Pick Toddler up, leave pet store, collect script and go food shopping
  14. Give Toddler a free apple from the "Free Fruit for Kids" bin (Seriously Count Down, this is AWESOME!)
  15. Toddler drops apple on the floor, throw apple away, get a fresh apple - repeat x2 
  16. Decide Toddler doesn't need another apple, and finish food shop with a screaming Toddler
  17. Leave supermarket and get home
  18. Feed Toddler their lunch with a fresh drink bottle
  19. Toddler tips their drink bottle upside down onto the table and floor
  20. Toddler then says "Wees Mum!"
  21. Take Toddler to the toilet
  22. Toddler decides they don't want to use the potty or the toilet seat for him, he wants to squat over the toilet without his seat and even though he gets a little into the bowl, he gets the rest all over the floor 
  23. Decide to invest in built in toddler seat as it's obvious that this is the reason why Toddler has been having issues using the toilet (it's not the same as what Mummy and Daddy use)
  24. Clean mess up and help Toddler wash hands and put on undies
  25. Toddler does poo in undies
  26. Dispose of poo and get clean undies
  27. While doing this, Toddler finishes his poo on top of his Monkey
  28. Put Monkey in laundry tub to deal with after cleaning Toddler up
  29. Grab wet wipes and find Toddler on the couch 
  30. Pick Toddler up and wipe their bum
  31. Wash all the skid marks off the couch
  32. Clean Monkey and undies, put in washing machine 
  33. Turn on machine
  34. Toddler wants a milk and Monkey (this usually means he wants a nap)
  35. Decide to take Toddler out of the house as if they have a nap, it will be hard to get them to sleep that night
  36. Get to Mitre 10 and take them to the playground
  37. They have lots of fun playing on their own, I need to tell them to leave a cone alone (they are currently obsessed with them!) then a playgroup full of kids ranging from 2-4 years old walks past
  38. Toddler calls out to them "Hey! Hi! Come up here!" with big grins on his face
  39. Kids walk past with their teachers
  40. Toddler gets confuses "Hey! Come back here! Play! Come back here!" 
  41. Smile and think how cute it is and be glad that Toddler is starting Kindy soon as he'll have so much fun playing with the other kids
  42. Other kids come back with their teachers and chaos ensues with kids and Toddler running round and playing
  43. One little girl grazes her elbow
  44. The teacher brings out first aid kit and give her a plaster to help her feel better
  45. Toddler goes up to the Teacher and asks for a plaster too and show her his elbow (which also has a graze on it from a few days ago) 
  46. Teacher obliges and Toddler happily runs off
  47. Thank the teacher and have a good chat and adult time while the other kids play
  48. Play group have to go
  49. Toddler decides it's time to go too
  50. Thank the teachers of the playgroup for the chat and the easy as leaving power (was expecting a hard time to leave with Toddler)
  51. Give Toddler a high five
  52. Get home and Toddler wants a drink
  53. Drink ends up all over the floor again
  54. Have another coffee
  55. Receive Text from Trusty Grandpa asking to be picked up from the train station
  56. Put Toddler in car and drive to the train station
  57. Get there 10 minutes too early
  58. Decide to tell Toddler we're watching trains while waiting for Grandpa
  59. Get out of the car, set up pram and realise that I need to get back in the car to re-park the car (I have parked too far out from the curb)
  60. Hop back in car and re-park the car with Toddler screaming and upset because he wants to see the trains and thinks we are driving off and leaving Grandpa behind
  61. Turn car off and get Toddler out
  62. Walk to train station and meet Trusty Grandpa
  63. Tell Trusty Grandpa about the day (he is already aware that it was a rough night)
  64. Get home and cook dinner
  65. Try putting Toddler to bed at usual bedtime - having trouble
  66. Trusty Grandpa offers to take over
  67. Go to bed at 7pm and sleep right through till 5am with Toddler falling out of bed - Start a brand new day! (this time feeling really refreshed ... what can go wrong?)

Saturday, February 4, 2017

How To: Find random things in your washing machine

I'm currently doing washing today, and just found a wooden train track in there while emptying the clean washing out! So this post will have a list of all the different things I have found in the washing machine while emptying it out... what my Son has put into it before we turned it on and what has gone through the wash

  1. A wooden train track
  2. A nappy - not a cloth one, a disposable one that he had worn and put in there instead of putting into his nappy bin when asked
  3. A toy car
  4. One of Toddler's gumboots

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How To: Get the Toddler to sleep on a hot muggy night

I could honestly sit here and write a LONG lengthly account of how last night went with the Toddler, but OMG no. Firstly I am not in the mood to write every single piece of struggle that went down, but I am so sure that reliving it will be very traumatic for me... and I'd like to have a good day today!

So, I will put up a few things that went down, how we got him to sleep and a cute little snippet of me reading him a book, enjoy!

  1. Put Toddler to bed a little later then usual because he had a nap during the day
  2. Only put Toddler in pj pants as it's hot and muggy
  3. Read Toddler a story, or two or three
  4. Daddy comes in for cuddles and family time, listening to the story too
  5. Toddler picks up his shorts and wants to show Daddy how he can put his own shorts on
  6. Toddler puts shorts over his pj pants
  7. Daddy goes to get up and hurts himself (do not need to talk about this, as this would entail another post and I'm sure Hubby would prefer I don't put it up. Lets just say that because of this, we had to remove Toddler from the room to hang out with Trusty Grandpa while I assisted Hubby and made sure he was ok...)
  8. Manage to remove shorts off Toddler - put him back to bed
  9. Spend quite a long amount of time getting him settled again as he is very excited from what happened to Daddy and it's still very hot and muggy so heaps of tossing and turning
  10. Finally get Toddler settled at 11pmish by making a bed for him on the floor (honestly can't remember the time he finally settled, but I spent an hour or so having some "me" time in the lounge afterwards and didn't get to bed until about 1am...)
How To: Read a train book

  1. Read a book called "Red Train"
  2. Point to a few things in the book and count the items in the book (each page has a different colour train and counts from 1-10 animals and carriages)
  3. Also to count is the number of puffs of steam coming out of of the steam trains funnel
  4. Ask Toddler what he thinks it is (expecting him to say "clouds')
  5. Toddler looks at the drawings of steam puffs for a bit and comes out with "Hmmm.... Popcorn"
  6. Sit there smiling, amused that Toddler thinks that Trains run on popcorn :-P

How To: Shave your legs

The Struggle is real!  I had thought when I was busy with work in my 20's I had found it hard to get my legs shaved - there is no comparison when you have a baby or Toddler! Please enjoy today's list, brought to you by me, freshly sitting with semi shaved legs on this hot muggy day in Auckland...

  1. Have a variety of pain and illness issues that limit your ability to shave your legs on a regular basis
  2. Have a Toddler (or baby) 
  3. While Toddler is watching Team Umizoomi, decide to take the opportunity to shave legs
  4. Fill basin up with hot water
  5. Collect flannel 
  6. Collect shaving cream and razor
  7. Start shaving legs
  8. Get one leg done (up to the knee, cause lets face it, can't currently bend that way to do a proper job of the upper thigh - and besides, don't wear anything higher then knee-length these days)
  9. Toddler comes in to investigate
  10. Toddler climbs on side of the bath and decides to put his bath toys into the now hairy water of the basin
  11. Try to stop Toddler, but put more effort into not letting them to drink the water then playing with it...
  12. Give Toddler the flannel to play with and that keeps them occupied enough to finish the other leg
  13. Decide to have a shower with Toddler since they are there
  14. Hop in the shower and Toddler wants to be lifted up
  15. Pick Toddler up and dance and sing in the shower
  16. Hop out of the shower when finished and give Toddler toothbrush to clean teeth
  17. Put Towel on Toddler and start drying self
  18. Toddler hears Trusty Grandpa out in the lounge and decides they want to go see them
  19. Toddler opens door WIDE open while I'm still trying to dry myself
  20. Thank goodness that Trusty Grandpa wasn't in sight as that would have been a slightly awkward situation... :-|
  21. Finish dressing and walk out the bathroom with freshly shaved legs (this was actually a fairly easy time compared to others I've had to deal with!)

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How To: Clean the Bathroom Mirror

  1. Start making self a coffee
  2. Hear Toddler open the bathroom door
  3. Call out to Toddler to get out of the bathroom
  4. Put hot water and coffee mug in a safe place and go to investigate
  5. Find Toddler standing on top of the bathroom vanity with toothpaste in one hand and a scrubbing brush in the other
  6. Toothpaste is all over the vanity and Toddler has managed to scrub half the mirror with it also
  7. Remove Toddler off the vanity and tell them that you don't stand on the vanity (point out the dirty foot prints that are now there)
  8. Toddler goes "Oh. I clean?" 
  9. Tell Toddler "Lets get some cloths and some window cleaner and I'll show you how to clean properly eh?"
  10. Toddler follows me into the lounge and starts to play with his toys
  11. Ask Toddler if they would like to help clean up the mess
  12. Toddler replies "No, I'm fine. Thank you Mum"
  13. Decide that it would be easier to clean up the mess on my own and will include Toddler in the next cleaning of the bathroom
  14. I now have a sparkling clean bathroom vanity and clean bathroom mirror thanks to toothpaste!

How To: Dress yourself

I am SO proud! My little boy hit a huge milestone today - he practically dressed himself with only a little assistance from me! Here is how it went:

  1. Spend most of the morning trying to get Toddler dressed
  2. After a while of doing this change tactics
  3. Ask Toddler if they can show me how to take off their PJ Top
  4. Toddler smiles, undoes all the buttons and takes off his top
  5. Ask Toddler to show me how to do take his nappy off
  6. Toddler stands there and looks down at this nappy and after finding the tabs, removes it
  7. Ask Toddler if they want to wear undies or a nappy today
  8. Toddler chooses a nappy
  9. Hand Toddler fresh nappy
  10. Toddler lies down with legs up and says "Mum, Nappy on please!"
  11. Praise Toddler for their good manners and assist them putting the nappy on
  12. Hand Toddler a t-shirt and ask them to show me how they put a t-shirt on
  13. Toddler say "T-shirt" and opens the t-shirt up from the bottom, puts it over his head and his right arm in the right hole
  14. Toddler then tries to put his left arm in, but t-shirt is a little twisted
  15. Toddler says "Mum, Help!" 
  16. Smile and untwist t-shirt and praise Toddler for asking for help when they need it
  17. Toddler then puts his left arm through the hole and sits down
  18. Hand Toddler his shorts, and he puts a leg in each hole
  19. Help Toddler stand up
  20. Toddler pulls his pants up the front, but needs a little help getting the back part over his bum
  21. Toddler smiles and says "Thank you Mum!" 
  22. Smile back and reply "You're welcome Darling!"
  23. Toddler then picks up the ties of his shorts and tries to tie a bow
  24. After a little bit of struggling, he turns to me and says "Bow Mum!"
  25. Show Toddler how to tie a boy (the two loops into a knot method)
  26. Toddler watches the whole time with wide eyes
  27. Toddler then sits down and puts his jandals on the wrong feet
  28. Toddler looks at his feet and says "Help Mum! Wrong?"
  29. Show Toddler my feet in Jandals and ask Toddler what is different to his jandals and mine
  30. Toddler looks at my jandals then at his and says "Wrong Foot!"
  31. Help Toddler take their jandals off
  32. Toddler puts jandals onto correct feet and stands up "Come on Mum!"
  33. Give Toddler a HUGE Hug and a couple of high fives and say "Yay! I'm so proud of you! You dressed yourself today" 
  34. Toddler grins and replies "Yes Mum!" and walks out the room 

Monday, January 30, 2017

How To: Distract a Toddler from the marshmellows

  1. Use a bag of frozen marshmallows for ouchies (works really well, as you give them one after they calm down)
  2. Toddler has cottoned onto the idea that if he is hurt he will get a marshmallow 
  3. Toddler ransacks the freezer on a daily basis to find said marshmallows
  4. Today it happens again
  5. Remind Toddler that the frozen marshmallows are for ouchies
  6. Toddler throws themselves on the floor and cries "Ouch! It Hurts! Foot Sore!"
  7. Try not to smile and tell Toddler that you know they aren't hurt
  8. Toddler replies "Sore, sore foot" (this kid is either going to be a soccer player or an actor)
  9. Put marshmallows away
  10. Toddler tries to get marshmallows again
  11. Get mesh feeder out, put piece of ice in it and give to Toddler
  12. Toddler has forgotten about the marshmallows (for now...)

Friday, January 27, 2017

How To: Wash Monkey

  1. Start making a ham and cheese bagel for lunch
  2. Toddler comes over and wants Monkey to eat it
  3. Monkey gets covered in mayo
  4. Pick up Monkey and put into the washing machine (that has just started)
  5. Toddler throws a tantrum that "My Monkey Wash!" 
  6. Give Toddler spare Monkey
  7. Toddler not having a bar of it
  8. Spend next little while explaining to Toddler why Monkey needs a wash
  9. Eventually Toddler calms down with a bottle and a spot of paw patrol
  10. Sit down and eat Ham and Cheese Bagel for lunch while having a few moments peace

How To: Keep your cool when your Toddler gets into your craft stuff

  1. Go to bed at midnight, due to working on blog and just having some "me" time
  2. Neighbours across the road start running up and down the street yelling
  3. Don't get to bed until 3am as Toddler won't settle because of idiots across the road... these are the same people who beep their horn at all hours of the day and night to get someone to move their car instead of getting out and asking them nicely. 
  4. After constant trying to get Toddler to sleep in own bed, give up and let them sleep in my bed 
  5. Spend next three hours getting kicked in the back and head and getting laughed at by Toddler
  6. Eventually have enough, snap at Toddler and tell them they are going back in their own bed
  7. Fall into bed and sleep until Toddler comes in at 7.30am
  8. Get up, put telly on (as I know I really can't deal with making up games with Toddler)
  9. Give Toddler breakfast, make own and have a coffee
  10. Toddler finish coffee and turn telly off as Toddler playing with houses and heavy things on the wall
  11. Toddler then runs into my bedroom and gets into craft things
  12. Find Toddler trying to put craft items back into their jars, looking upset
  13. Realise that Toddler is just as tired as I am and quietly help them put it back, praise them for helping put things back and acknowledge that it was an accident for it going everywhere
  14. Take a deep breath and relax - another coffee and a nice shower shall help reset everything and writing this blog post will help too!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

How To: Have a Haircut at the Hairdressers

Last night, I wasn't feeling very well.  So I went to bed early, leaving Hubby and Trusty Grandpa to put Toddler to bed. I managed to get a good sleep for the first time in ages, Toddler came in for a cuddle just after Hubby left for work and we slept in until 9am! This left us 45 minutes to get up, get dressed and have breakfast before we left for his haircut at 10am. We got there with time to spare, so instead of waiting at the hair dressers, I decided to get a coffee for me, and fluffy for Toddler to help him keep still while he had a hair cut. I also had a toy for him to play with to keep him busy. Below is the list of what happened in the hour from the moment we walked out the door to when we got home. Hope you enjoy our eventful hour!

  1. Walk out the door and Toddler decides that we need to take his bucket with chalk, Toy Hoe and Toy Spade with us. 
  2. Toddler puts the bucket in the boot of the car.
  3. Put Toddler in car, and drive to the hair dresser
  4. Get to HairDresser's 10 minutes early - decide to get coffee and fluffy for Toddler while waiting for hair cut
  5. Walk into coffee shop and order a coffee for me and a fluffy for Toddler
  6. While waiting for them to be made, Toddler decides to sit down at a table and play with his toy.
  7. Two Ladies come in and start talking to Toddler and about how cute and well behaved is for waiting at the table for the coffee
  8. One of the ladies picks up a "Coffee News" paper from the rack at the counter
  9. Toddler decides they want one too
  10. Toddler grabs ahold of the papers and brings the whole pile crashing down to the floor
  11. Toddler says "Uh oh! Mess!" 
  12. Help Toddler pick up the papers
  13. The two ladies coo about how cute and helpful Toddler is
  14. Toddler decides to explore the rest of the cafe opening cupboards and trying to get to the cakes and slices behind the glass
  15. Ladies giggle and mention something about the terrible 2's 
  16. Smile back, collect Toddler, Toddler's toy, drinks and make our way out the door and back to the hairdresser 
  17. Get into the hairdresser and put drinks down
  18. Toddler sits on the couch and wants their fluffy
  19. Explain to Toddler that it's time to get their haircut and that they need to sit in the hairdressing chair (the hairdresser has put a booster seat up there for him so he can look in the mirror while it's getting done)
  20. Toddler arches back and refuses to sit in the seat
  21. Chase Toddler around the room for a bit with him zooming round like an airplane and laughing his head off (amusing the other ladies and hairdressers)
  22. Catch Toddler and ask them what chair they want to sit in (there are three empty ones to choose from)
  23. He chooses a chair and we sit him in it
  24. Hairdresser moves all her equipment to the new chair and starts to cut his hair
  25. Toddler decides that they don't want to sit there now and chooses another chair
  26. Finally start the haircut with Toddler sitting on my lap, holding a spray bottle and a comb in each hand
  27. Almost at the end of the haircut, Toddler has had enough and jumps down off my lap
  28. End up finishing the haircut with Toddler playing in the washing up sink and the hairdressing tidying up around the ears while he's distracted
  29. Strip t-shirt off Toddler and shake out over pile of hair
  30. Toddler opens the door and runs outside
  31. Run after Toddler and catch them before they run through the carpark
  32. Kneel down to Toddler and give them a hug 
  33. Pull Toddler away and tell them "Don't run away like that! You gave Mummy a fright!" Point out the cars that have now come into the car park "They cannot see you, if you ran over there they would have hit you and Mummy and Daddy would be very sad"
  34. Toddler looks at the cars and nods "Ok Mum" (not sure if he really got it, but realises that I was scared)
  35. Come back in and pay for hair appointment
  36. Get in the car and drive home
  37. On way home pass a camper van and see that there is a couple sitting there looking at the map (they are parked in a dodgy part in the area so pull over and ask them if they would like some help)
  38. Explain to American Couple where they want to go for food shop and then show (just at the end of the road) and then show them on the map where the campsite is that they want to go)
  39. Drive off and leave them too it
  40. Stop at the train tracks as the barriers are down
  41. Toddler: Go Mum, GO!
  42. Me: I've got to stop, because there is a train coming *point out the flashing lights*
  43. Toddler: A train?! Yay! Choo Choo!
  44. Me: Yes, a train *Passenger train goes past and Toddler has a huge frown and confused look on his face*
  45. Toddler: Mum. No, NOT Choo Choo Train
  46. He then starts to call Daddy on his "palm phone" and tells him "It was NOT a Choo Choo Train Daddy!"
  47. Have a giggle and get home
  48. Toddler wants to get bucket out of the boot
  49. Open boot
  50. Toddler runs off with the bucket to the backyard
  51. Catch up to Toddler (who is still shirtless) and find them trying to dig out the cactus plant (we had a few people over yesterday taking clippings off the prickly pear and Toddler wanted to help them)
  52. Knowing that either me or Toddler would get prickles if I try to pick him up I call out that he needs to have a shirt, hat and sunscreen on if he wants to play outside
  53. Sigh in relief as it works
  54. Walk back inside and notice that we've only been out of the house for an hour

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How To: Ignore your Toddler until they go to sleep (new bedtime routine!)

Tonight Toddler was playing up a little, and both my back and wrist have been sore, so I have been unable to lift him up very easily onto this bed. I can do it once, but putting him back to bed over and over again tonight was NOT and option. So, instead of getting wound up about the situation or constantly going out for help from Trusty Grandpa to put Toddler back into bed all the time I decided to adapt to the situation.

Here is how it all went:

  1. Put Toddler to bed
  2. Pull up blankets
  3. Ask them what stories they want to be read
  4. Toddler chooses "Roadworks" "Construction" and "Demolition"
  5. Start to read Roadworks
  6. Halfway through Toddler kicks off the blankets
  7. Pull blankets back on
  8. Toddler kicks them off again and gets out of bed
  9. Ask Toddler to get back into bed
  10. Toddler says "No"
  11. Tell Toddler to get into bed
  12. Toddler ignores me and starts running round the bed like a chicken with their head cut off
  13. Count to three and tell Toddler that story time is over because they aren't in bed
  14. Toddler still running round room, waving monkey around now
  15. Turn off light and think "Two can play at this game"
  16. Lie down on the bed and ignore Toddler
  17. Toddler finally stops running round the room
  18. Toddler climbs on bed
  19. Toddler gives hug and says "Oh Mum!" (this is his "I love you Mum")
  20. Give Toddler a hug and ask them if they are ready to get back into bed
  21. Toddler says "No, Monkey Bed!"
  22. Toddler drops Monkey on my face and continues to run around the room
  23. Pick Monkey up and tuck them into bed (make a show of how good monkey is being)
  24. Lie back down
  25. Toddler stops and tries to get my attention "Mum? Mum? MUMMMMMMMM!"
  26. Continue to ignore Toddler
  27. Whip out phone and check FB
  28. Toddler pops head between phone and my face and says "Hi MUM!" 
  29. Continue to ignore Toddler
  30. Toddler licks my face
  31. Ignore Toddler
  32. Toddler licks my mouth
  33. Ignore Toddler
  34. Toddler gets their hair brush "Mum! Brush hair" 
  35. Toddler tries to brush my hair
  36. Put phone away, collect hair brush off Toddler
  37. Put hair brush away in drawer
  38. Lie back down and ignore Toddler
  39. Toddler opens the curtain
  40. Close curtain from the bed and continue to ignore Toddler
  41. Toddler pushes mattress off the trundler bed
  42. Put mattress back
  43. Toddler opens all the drawers of their dresser
  44. Stand up, close drawers and stand in front of them to prevent Toddler from opening them again
  45. Ignore Toddler
  46. Toddler opens bedroom door and looks for Trusty Grandpa
  47. Trusty Grandpa tells him to get back to bed
  48. Toddler runs back to bedroom
  49. Trusty Grandpa follows and finds me up against the dresser drawers and gives me a funny look
  50. Trusty Grandpa puts Toddler back to bed and walks out
  51. Give Trusty Grandpa a thank you smile and a wave
  52. Toddler says "Mum?"
  53. Kneel down next to Toddler and put hand over their back to calm them
  54. While waiting for Toddler to fall asleep, put glow worm on and do back and leg strengthening exercises along to the music to pass the time
  55. Hear Toddlers breathing relax
  56. Check to see if they are asleep
  57. Meet Toddlers wide eyes, and I kid you not - they wiggle their eyebrows at me while grinning from ear to ear (I love this kid's sense of humour, but OMG - GO TO SLEEP CHILD!)
  58. Slowly turn head away while struggling (and barely succeeding) to keep a straight face
  59. Once face is in opposite direction, silent laugh with tears running down face
  60. Keep looking away until feel Toddler relax more and breathing becomes slow
  61. Turn head back slightly and use peripheral vision to check if Toddlers eyes are closed (they are) 
  62. Look back at Toddler fully and remove hand (so far, so good)
  63. Stand up (Toddler doesn't stir)
  64. Take a step away
  65. Knee clicks (Oh for the LOVE of...)
  66. Toddler removes thumb from mouth and points to the floor in front of them "Mum." (eyes remain closed)
  67. Take a step back
  68. Stay standing there until Toddler puts thumb back in mouth, nods and goes back to sleep
  69. Slowly and successfully extract self from the bedroom, holding in laughter until in the lounge
  70. Collapse on the couch in fits of giggles and explain to Trusty Grandpa what he missed out on

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How To: Have a meltdown over a toy in the shops

  1. Pop into Whitcouls to get some magic dots and have a look round
  2. Toddler spots "Rubble" (a toy he has at home from PawPatrol) 
  3. Toddler chanting happily "Rubble! Mum! LOOK! Rubble!"
  4. See what he is pointing to and reply "Yes! It's Rubble! Just like your one at home"
  5. Toddler "There he is!"
  6. Me: "Yes! There is is!" 
  7. Start walking away 
  8. Toddler gets upset and calls "Rubble! MUM! MINE! MY RUBBLE!" (Warning! Warning!)
  9. Kneel down to Toddlers level and say "Yes, he looks like your Rubble, but that is the Shops Rubble - yours is at home" (there is only one on the shelf, usually if he see's things like this he realises that they are the "Shops Toys")
  10. Toddler shakes his head and points "NO! There, he's there!"
  11. Try to explain again (Danger, Danger!)
  12. Toddler not buying it, as he looks exactly like his Rubble and there is only one so it must be his 
  13. (Meltdown in 3...2...1...) Toddler starts screaming for Rubble and is generally upset that we are leaving Rubble behind
  14. Decide to change tactics "Well, look at that! You're right! He's here!" 
  15. Wave to Rubble and say to him "Hi Rubble! What are you doing here?" 
  16. Pause as if you are listening to what he is saying 
  17. Say "Ah! I see." 
  18. Turn back to Toddler and tell them "Rubble decided to come and do a bit of shopping, he'll meet us at home"
  19. Toddler still upset, but waves bye to Rubble
  20. Get out of shop and Toddler still wants to go back in and get Rubble "Go back Mum! Rubble in there!"
  21. Sigh and say to Toddler "Well, maybe we'll beat him home? Shall we see if we can get home first?"
  22. Toddler still a bit teary, but says "Yeah!" (probably not really convinced that he'll be at home)
  23. Get in car and go home
  24. When at home, leave Toddler in car while closing side gate and quickly pop inside to collect his Rubble (knew exactly where it was)
  25. Pop Rubble on the back doorstep for Toddler to find
  26. Let Toddler out of car and watch in amusement while they run to the back door, spot Rubble and get really excited
  27. Spend next hour or so listening to Toddler talk to Rubble about him being at the shop while we were there too and how he didn't want to leave him behind, but Mum said we'd meet him back at home and here he is! (That's what I was able to translate, I'm sure there were a few choice words thrown in there about me forcing him to leave Rubble at the shop...)