Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How To: Make a Toddler's Lunch

  1. Toddler open's fridge
  2. Ask Toddler if they want lunch
  3. Toddler nods
  4. Ask Toddler what they watch for lunch
  5. Toddler points to items in fridge
  6. Pull out: Tomato Sauce, Bbq Sauce, Luncheon sausage, Peanut butter, and strawberry jam
  7. Toddler still pointing into fridge
  8. Ask Toddler to use their words
  9. Toddler gets upsets and still pointing in fridge
  10. Point to every item in fridge only for Toddler to get even more upset
  11. Lift Toddler up to show what they want
  12. Toddler points to the light in the fridge 
  13. Toddler says "Light Fridge!"
  14. Smile and say "Yes! There is a light on in the fridge"
  15. Put Toddler down and close fridge door
  16. Look at bits and pieces out the fridge and decide to make PB&J Sandwiches and slices of luncheon with the two sauces as dips.
  17. Make Sandwich and slice luncheon sausage 
  18. Pick up Bbq sauce and squeeze bottle
  19. Sauce squirts everywhere except downwards
  20. Toddler giggles "MESS!"
  21. Laugh with Toddler "Oh dear! Yes, mess!"
  22. Clean up spilled sauce 
  23. Put Bbq sauce under hot tap to remove congealed sauce on cap (should've done this at last use Doh!)
  24. Squeeze Bbq sauce and Tomato sauce onto plate
  25. Put Toddler into bib and high chair (as it's a messy meal and still folding washing)
  26. Give Toddler a drink of water in sip cup, along with uneaten mandarin pieces, now defrosted peas from earlier and a yoghurt for luck.
  27. Toddler eats all on his plate - avoids peas and mandarin but will not allow them to be thrown out

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