Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How To: Spend your Birthday in 101 ways!

  1. Get woken up with a "Happy Birthday"and a kiss from Hubby at 5am
  2. Hear Toddler wake up
  3. Have Toddler come in for morning cuddles
  4. Go back to sleep until 7.30am when the first lot of birthday text's come in
  5. Have Toddler say "OOOOH! Phone!" each time you receive a text
  6. Get up for the day and start making breakfast
  7. Toddler helps feed the cat (wants to give the cat all the sachets of food in cat bowl)
  8. Take cat food off Toddler
  9. Open one sachet into cat bowl and give to Toddler to feed cat
  10. Toddler puts cat food down - cat didn't follow
  11. Toddler "walks" the cat to the cat food (by holding it's tail and cat walking in front)
  12. Remind Toddler to be gentle with cat
  13. Ask Toddler what they want for breakfast
  14. Toddler opens pantry and points to KBAR Chocolate
  15. Smile and tell Toddler they can't have chocolate for breakfast
  16. Toddler doesn't like that...
  17. Have an open/close pantry door competition with Toddler
  18. Make Toast for Toddler - compromise by putting nutella on one piece (one way to confuse Toddler on the whole "we don't have chocolate for breakfast" issue)
  19. Eat breakfast and check emails and FB
  20. Toddler pushes over heater (heater off)
  21. Tell Toddler you don't push over heaters as it is dangerous
  22. Toddler wants to get Thomas book from a higher shelf he can reach
  23. Toddler goes on tippy toes to collect book
  24. Toddler falls into toy box
  25. Help Toddler out of toy box
  26. Toddler flips over toy box to use to get Thomas book
  27. Toddler climbs on toy box and pulls books out below Thomas book (dumping them on the floor)
  28. Toddler gets Thomas book and starts reading
  29. Pick up books and toys off floor and put away
  30. Get ready to go out
  31. Leave Toddler with Trusty Grandpa
  32. Head to cafe - find out they have a hidden upstairs you didn't know about
  33. Order a Spicy Pumpkin Loaf (GF) and a Vanilla Late
  34. Go upstair to inspect this hidden gem...
  35. Happily find a 1950's style sitting room/dining room set out in the upstairs part
  36. Pick a chair, pull out diary and sit down for an afternoon of catch up
  37. Finish writing and enjoy the rest of the coffee
  38. Leave cafe and visit bead shop
  39. Browse the beads for scrapbooking embellishments
  40. Find a Hat for Toddler - buy awesome cool hat
  41. Go op-shop exploring - buy another toy for Toddler
  42. Get home make coffee for self and Trusty Grandpa - Milo for Toddler
  43. Make dinner for Toddler and Trusty Grandpa (Toasted Sammies)
  44. Go out to Dinner with Hubby at The Good Home (AWESOME Food!)
  45. Collect ice cream for dessert on the way home
  46. Get home to find Toddler still up
  47. Toddler spots ice cream
  48. Give Toddler a little bit of ice cream before bed (BIG mistake)
  49. Take Toddler to bed - Read three stories, sing alphabet and There was an old lady... Toddler asleep
  50. Decide to spend rest of the night sorting out ribbon drawer
  51. Hubby and Trusty Grandpa goes to bed
  52. Continue sorting out ribbons
  53. Hear Toddler SCREAM
  54. Run into room and find Toddler half out of bed - head first
  55. Pick Toddler up and give a cuddle to calm down
  56. Toddler is sick - over himself, over you and over monkey (thankfully bed is fine)
  57. Carry Toddler to bathroom
  58. Strip  Toddler down and cover in towel to keep warm while getting warm wet cloth to finish cleaning
  59. Wet cloth - Toddler is sick on floor
  60. Toddler cries "Mess! It's a mess" 
  61. Cover with towel - pull Toddler in for a cuddle
  62. Tell Toddler we'll clean up the mess later
  63. Tell Toddler they are going to be ok
  64. Tell Toddler that it's shower time
  65. Toddler says No.
  66. Tell Toddler we need to get clean to feel better
  67. Toddler says NO.
  68. Tell Toddler "Monkey is sick and doesn't feel well, how about we give Monkey a shower to make him feel better?"
  69. Toddler nods and gets into the shower
  70. Have shower without Monkey (Toddler threw him out)
  71. Turn off shower - Toddler doesn't want to get out
  72. Step out of Shower 
  73. Wrap Toddler and Self in Towels
  74. Take Toddler to warm lounge to change into clothes
  75. Toddler wants Monkey
  76. Monkey is still "sick"
  77. Put Monkey in washing machine with towels
  78. Give Toddler water, gripe water and pamol to help them feel better
  79. Take Toddler into Hubby to cuddle
  80. Get Dressed, clean up remainder of mess and search for spare Monkey
  81. Find spare Monkey on washing line - DRENCHED 
  82. Mentally hit head against wall - this is the reason we have spare Monkey for times like these
  83. Bring spare Monkey in and put in hot water cupboard
  84. Collect Toddler off Hubby and put Toddler to bed
  85. Toddler wants Monkey
  86. Go through ALL of Toddler's toys on the off chance he might choose one instead
  87. Fail
  88. Go though blankets to see if Toddler will choose one instead of Monkey
  89. Partially fail - Toddler now want's "Mummy Cuddles Blanket" AND Monkey
  90. Take Toddler into lounge for Mummy Cuddles and Fireman Sam
  91. Toddler getting better, starts playing with Ribbons - Time for bed again
  92. Check spare Monkey - still very wet
  93. Washing machine finishes
  94. Pull out Monkey - slightly more dry then spare Monkey
  95. Go to bathroom and turn on heater
  96. Stand under heater with Monkey until dry
  97. Turn heater off and put Toddler to bed
  98. Play the game "Put Toddler to bed 20 times"
  99. Finally return to lounge, pack up ribbons
  100. Look at time - 2.30am!!!
  101. Go to bed.

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