Saturday, August 27, 2016

How To: Feed a Toddler a musley bar

  1. Toddler asks for a musley bar
  2. Go into pantry for musley bar
  3. Open jar 
  4. Hold jar down to Toddler for them to choose
  5. Toddler chooses a "Milkie"
  6. Put lid on jar and return to pantry
  7. Look outside - it's sunny
  8. Decide to put a load of washing on
  9. Go into bedrooms and collect washing
  10. Slightly wake Hubby up
  11. Reassure Hubby you're just doing washing and they can go back to sleep (it's their turn for a long sleep in)
  12. Fill up washing machine
  13. Turn washing machine on
  14. Turn around and find Toddler munching on Milkie 
  15. Realise that even though you gave the bar to Toddler, you forgot to take the wrapper off...
  16. Take bar off Toddler and open wrapping to find it all mushy crumbs
  17. Put in bin and give Toddler new Milkie (wrapper removed this time)

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