Saturday, August 27, 2016

How To: Have a lovely evening with good friends

  1. Invite friends to games night for your birthday party
  2. Have most decline for many good reasons (expected most of them)
  3. Discover you can't get to the board game cupboard as it's blocked by heaps of boxes
  4. Decide to play card games instead
  5. Order Pizza's - repeat to pizza shop several times that it's THREE GLUTEN FREE PIZZA'S and ONE Garlic Bread  with NO CAPSICUM (Pizza's were Hawaiian, Butter Chicken and Thai)
  6. Collect Pizza's - Tell random window washer that NO, you don't need your car washed
  7. Get home - put chicken nuggets and chips in oven
  8. One couple of friends turn up with own Toddler (will call this Toddler "Toddler B")
  9. Toddler M (our Toddler) gives Toddler B a hug 
  10. All adults give a collective "Awwww"
  11. Serve drinks, pizza and chicken nuggets and chips to Toddler M and Toddler B
  12. Find out that there was capsicum on one of the pizza's, but at least they got everything else right
  13. Have a good catch up chat with friends while watching Toddlers
  14. Toddler M decides to feed Todddler B
  15. Finish up dinner and clear plates with Toddlers help
  16. Put GF Apple Pie in the oven - turn timer on
  17. Decide to play Battle of the Sexes card game
  18. Pull out blocks for Toddlers to play with
  19. Start playing the card game - girl's doing well against the boys
  20. Toddler M teaches Toddler B a new game - banging blocks on he coffee table
  21. Stopp Toddlers from banging blocks on table
  22. Toddler M starts to take pants off 
  23. Help Toddler M to put pants back on and check nappy in process
  24. Both Toddlers need changing - put Toddlers in PJ's
  25. Timer for apple pie goes off
  26. Put down colourful quilt for Toddlers to sit on
  27. Serve everyone apple pie with vanilla ice cream
  28. Toddler M finishes ice cream first - notices that Toddler B is taking longer
  29. Toddler M steals part of Toddler B's ice cream
  30. Tell Toddler M that you don't take Toddler B's ice cream
  31. Give Toddler B their ice cream back
  32. Finish up with dessert  and clean up
  33. Tell Toddler M to put their pants on
  34. Put Kungfu Panda on to the delight of Toddler B
  35. Sit Toddler M and Toddler B in baby doughnut with Thomas quilt
  36. Give each Toddler a Monkey to hold onto (Toddler M insisted)
  37. Continue to play battle of the sexes
  38. Toddlers tire of movie and decide to play on ride on toys
  39. Toddlers ride toys down to Toddler M's bedroom
  40. Hear Toddlers laughing followed by some banging
  41. Toddler B starts crying (Toddler M still laughing, with banging going on)
  42. Check on Toddlers 
  43. Find Toddler B holding head and Toddler M with walking toy banging it on blocks box laughing
  44. Confort Toddler B and Tell Toddler M we don't bang walking toys around and to be careful with Toddler B
  45. Toddler M gives Toddler B an "I'm Sorry" hug
  46. Ask Toddler M where his pants are - put pants back on Toddler M
  47. Settle Toddlers back in lounge with us and finish playing battle of the sexes
  48. Girls win battle of the sexes - 58 points to 51
  49. Friends go home with Toddler B
  50. Toddler M goes straight to bed - no fuss
  51. Look round lounge at mess Toddlers made with toys
  52. Decide to tidy up in the morning and go to bed
  53. Before going to sleep, think about how much fun was had and think it should be done more often

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