Thursday, August 11, 2016

How To: Give a Toddler a bath #2

  1. Close bathroom window
  2. Turn on bathroom heater
  3. Put plug in bath
  4. Take sunscreen off Toddler
  5. Put baking soda in bath
  6. Tell Toddler that we need to go to the potty before hopping in the bath
  7. Walk out bathroom, followed closely by Toddler
  8. Turn around the corner
  9. Toddler turns too late
  10. Toddler slams into linen cupboard door
  11. Toddler bounces off linen cupboard door
  12. Toddler picks themselves up
  13. Toddler unfazed (so my Son!)
  14. Collect potty and return to bathroom
  15. Undress Toddler 
  16. Get Toddler to sit on potty
  17. Toddler sits for a while but doesn't do anything
  18. Praise Toddler for trying
  19. Put water into bath
  20. Toddler tries to put potty into the bath
  21. Take potty off Toddler
  22. Put Toddler in bath
  23. Toddler picks up cup, fills up with water and tips out
  24. Toddler stands up
  25. Toddler starts running on the spot
  26. Remind Toddler you don't run in the bath
  27. Toddler sits down and splashes the water
  28. Get drenched by Toddler
  29. Sing ABC's
  30. Toddler gets shampoo
  31. Toddler opens bottle with mouth
  32. Toddler puts shampoo in dry hair
  33. Wet Toddlers hair and help Toddler wash
  34. Tell Toddler to get their finger out of the taps
  35. Toddler touches each tap and says "Hot" and "Cold" 
  36. Praise Toddler for knowing the difference
  37. Distract Toddler with wind up crocodile 
  38. Toddler picks up two cups
  39. Toddler fills one cup and and tips it into the empty cup
  40. Praise Toddler for doing a good jobs (got it all in the cup, didn't spill anything outside of it)
  41. Toddler says "bye bye water"
  42. Help Toddler out of bath
  43. Toddler runs out of bathroom
  44. Chase after Toddler with towel
  45. Find Toddler sitting on Daddy's knee
  46. Give Daddy towel to dry Toddler
  47. Go back to bathroom to clean up

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